Wi-Fi alert: School officials may be personally liable for exposing children to wireless radiation

There is no doubt that School Officials and top administrators will be liable for allowing children to be placed inside the school's man made microwave oven. It will get much more expensive than that incorporating damage to buildings, infrastructure, fire separations, explosions in volatile areas. That is separate of the lawsuits and criminal liability for their cancers, genetic mutation, ability to reproduce as well as the torture with being placed inside a man made microwave oven.
~ Curtis Bennett
Curtis Bennett's Comment on Facebook

Wednesday, March 25, 2015, 22:49 Eastern Time
There is no doubt that School Officials and top administrators will be liable for allowing children to be placed inside the school's man made microwave oven. It will get much more expensive than that incorporating damage to buildings, infrastructure, fire separations, explosions in volatile areas. That is separate of the lawsuits and criminal liability for their cancers, genetic mutation, ability to reproduce as well as the torture with being placed inside a man made microwave oven.
Literally every student, and family will have a lawsuit because of the quality of education. It is exposure codes that admit the EMFs trigger nerves. Teaching children and basing their education on their intelligence while they are neurologically interfered furthers the liability. Remember the correct electrical terminology isn't being sensitive to the EMFs, it is subtle electrocution. As an electrical professional who has had electrical shocks many times as a hazard of the dangerous work, it isn't just some electricians that are sensitive.
Quite frankly it irritates me that that the wireless exposure has overwhelmed science professionals in education when they should be all over this with exposure codes admitting they are missing critical data. For science and the intellectually elite like the Royal Society of Canada revising Safety Code 6 to get overwhelmed by the plastic head with water in it used for the SAR is scientifically embarrassing. The plastic head doesn't have health.
Liability including criminal liability will reach the Prime Minister's Office as the Chief Administrator for the Canadian Government. It requires investigation how Health Canada is revising exposure code Safety Code 6 and the Government of Ontario announces 150 million for WiFi in Kindergartens. Industry Canada and the Government of Canada is selling different frequency ranges while exposure codes to Electromagnetic Radiation are being revised!! Prime Minister Harper's administration gets to own putting children and populations inside man made Microwave Ovens. The Prime Minister ignored the fact the antennas, WiFi Routers and smart grid for smart meters as well as all bio electrical information was missing in exposure codes.
Causation and Biological Plausibility missing in Safety Code 6 was found and reported by Canadian Government Electrical Professionals. It was provide to Health Canada, Canadian Parliament's Standing Committee on Health at their request and was lectured in accredited medical education applicable in Canada and the U.S. for Continuing Medical Education Credits required for ongoing medical licensing January, 2011 at the University of Central Florida.
Had the Government of Canada reported to the W.H.O. that causation had been found linking the RF EMFs to adverse health effects, W.H.O. report May 31, 2011 would have reported cell phones as a Group 1 Carcinogen instead of "possibly".
Here are transcripts and evidence of the BC Government with experts under oath. The BC Government is the Authority having Jurisdiction in BC and this is a legal precedent. The British Columbia Utilities Commission as part of the BC Government heard the FortisBC application for Wireless Smart Meters. FortisBC's experts were disqualified technically and admit under direct cross examination that they will blanket 17,000 sq. kms. FortisBC experts admitted nerves, hormonal and immune systems will be compromised at the same time IF they are hit by the EMFs. Several cities will be blanketed and 100% of the population will be adversely affected. FortisBC experts admit their Risk Assessment Report didn't include critical science and Electrical Engineer Yakov Shkolnikov stated it would be his DUTY as an Electrical Engineer to revise his reporting if critical information was missing. He didn't revise his report for FortisBC when Exponent covers his errors and omission's insurance. Not only is this one expensive insurance claim but Shkolnikov confirms the RF EMFs can induce a static charge causing explosions in classed areas.
Here is our letter to the City of Kelowna's Mayor and Council where they were overwhelmed by the plastic head used for the SAR. The letter includes the LEGAL transcripts of the BC Government and specific page numbers and lines are referenced for you to read. Today I had people and professionals whining because I did the cross examination of FortisBC experts. This isn't about me, I am reporting in my qualified capacity. This is the Government of BC, contact them and ask them how the FortisBC application was allowed to succeed? Political interference had already allowed BC Hydro to bypass all regulatory process for their smart meters. Failing the FortisBC application would have immediately reversed the BC Hydro smart meter program. http://thermoguy.com/wp-content/uploads/Response-to-FortisBCs-Daily-Courier-Article-Advances-Meters-are-Safe-and-Smart.pdf
Smart Meters are illegal across Canada specific to Building Code non compliance with alone. Other US and global jurisdictions can use the same transcripts as evidence in their own jurisdiction. Smart Meters and the grid are illegal as applied today. There is no margin of error and the peer reviewed science is electricity.
As a Patriot and Electrical Professional that has put my own life on the line to keep people, industries and economy sustainable, it infuriates me that while our own military is overseas, First Responders across the board and their families are effectively being assaulted at home with a frequency and biological weapon as applied."
© 2015 Thermoguy. All rights reserved.
Posted on NaturalHealth365.com
Wi-Fi alert:
School officials may be personally liable for exposing children to wireless radiation


Curtis Bennett:"There is no doubt that School Officials and top administrators will be liable for allowing children to...
Posted by Dianne Knight on Wednesday, 25 March 2015

no doubt...Officials & top admin...liable...children...inside school's man made microwave oven http://t.co/kzxFt66Txf pic.twitter.com/L743KQcGcx
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) March 26, 2015

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