The Arizona Corporation Commission
Just Can't Stop Lying
Information & Perspective by Warren Woodward
April 11, 2016

----- Original Message -----
From: Warren Woodward
Date: Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 5:16 PM
Subject: ACC Just Can't Stop Lying
The Arizona Corporation Commission Just Can't Stop Lying
Information & Perspective by Warren Woodward
Sedona, Arizona ~ April 11, 2016
As you probably know, I appealed an Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) "smart" meter decision that was filed a year ago this month. The appeal was dismissed from Superior Court over a bogus jurisdictional issue, so I appealed that dismissal to the Court of Appeals. I made my case and the ACC recently answered. Typically, the ACC repeated their same old lies but actually invented some new ones.
One absolute whopper they told was that the Arizona Department of Health Services' "smart" meter study concluded that "smart meters have not been shown to be injurious to human health.”
I could not believe it when I read that. Are they so stupid that they don't realize by now that I am checking their every word? Or are they so brazen they think they can just lie with impunity because they have gotten away with it in the past? Who knows? In any case it's pretty amazing that they have no problem telling lies in court.
In actual fact, the ADHS study concluded that, "Exposure to electric meters (AMI and AMR) is not likely to harm the health of the public."
There is a big difference between “not shown to be injurious” and “not likely to harm.” “Not shown to be injurious” is conclusive. “Not likely to harm” means that harm is in fact a possibility.
The ACC was so deceptive that twice I caught them footnoting to stuff that had absolutely no correlation to the footnoted sentence. Again, are they so stupid that they don't think I am checking? Or are they so brazen they figure they can just get away with anything? A third, and probably more likely possibility, is that they are so brainless they don't even know right from wrong.
I am allowed a Reply Brief to the ACC's Answering Brief. If you are interested in the details of just how dreadfully dishonest the ACC is, my Reply Brief (less exhibits) that I filed today is attached.
Something I reveal for the first time is an example of the ADHS "smart" meter study work sheets I got via a public records request. Microwave measurements were taken of various "smart" meters for the study. Random addresses were chosen. Measurements of some analog meters were taken as a control. Those should show zero microwaves. The measuring equipment used was so inaccurate that the work sheets for the analog meters showed them transmitting microwaves, an absolute impossibility since the analog meters tested did not have microwave transmitters!
After the ADHS study came out, both a measuring professional and I told the ACC that the measurements were a farce. I even proved it in a video. But in their unbridled arrogance and complete disdain for the Public, the ACC just didn't care.
Video Exposé - The ADHS "Smart" Meter Study Is Grossly Inaccurate
Published on 9 Dec 2014
As I wrote in my report on the Arizona Dept. of Health Services' study, "In a cynical sense, the Tenmars was the perfect choice for the ADHS study – a pitifully inadequate meter for a pitifully inadequate study."
If you haven't already, I strongly urge you to read my full report, "A Pattern of Incompetence and Fraud". The cheap, inaccurate Tenmars TM-195 is only one of the many major failings of the ADHS study. Sadly, the study is a fraud on the people of Arizona.
My report, "A Pattern of Incompetence and Fraud", is posted several places online, including: here: and here:

'Arizona Corp Commission Just Can't Stop Lying' Info & Perspective by Warren Woodward. Sedona, Arizona, Apr 11 2016
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) April 14, 2016
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