Article by Judie Steeves on
Thermal Imaging of Watershed, Fish Spawning, Shade, Riparian Areas, Stream Temperature, Climate Change, Energy Losses, Etc.
A thermograph of a section of the Coldwater River (with matching photograph below) illustrates dramatically the impact of the loss of vegetation along the banks. In the thermograph, yellow is 60 C, and temperatures drop through orange, red and pink to 40C, then through purple, green, light blue, dark blue and darker blue to 20C. Note the location of trees, and what a difference in temperature there is in their vicinity. Even the location of rocks in the river can be identified by their thermal signature. Where such man-made construction as roads occur, temperatures soar, and that’s reflected on adjacent watercourses. Photo contributed

'Article by Judie Steeves on Thermal Imaging of Watershed, Fish Spawning, Shade, Riparian Areas, Stream Temperature, Climate Change, Energy Losses, Etc.'
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) January 14, 2024
December 7, 2001#ClimateChange #FireFighting #ForestFires #GHGEmissions #GlobalWarming #wildfires

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