Dr. Glaser compiled his first RF/microwave bioeffects bibliography in 1971 (after earning his PhD degree), as a result of his studies following helping to establish the RF bioeffects laboratory at the Naval Medical Research Institute, when he was assigned by the U.S. Navy, as the military wanted to know if non-ionizing radiation exposure from RF/microwave sources could have adverse effects on military personnel. His superiors were impressed with his report (which included Soviet research; note that the Cold War was on-going at that time), and they asked him to update the bibliography regularly.
Dr. Glaser then funded, managed, and performed RF/microwave bioeffects research as part of his next assignments at the Navy’s Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (as Radiation Medicine Program Assistant), and then at the Naval Medical Research and Development Command (as Electromagnetic Radiation Program Manager), and as Officer-in-Charge and Senior Scientist (at the Non-Ionizing Radiation Bioeffects Laboratory, at the Naval Surface Weapons Center).
He then transferred to the U.S. Public Health Service, and began work as manager of the RF/Microwave Radiation Criteria Document, for NIOSH (the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health), where he continued his research on the human health effects of radio frequency and microwave radiation. He later transferred to the Bureau of Radiological Health, where he served as Executive Secretary of the Technical Electronic Product Radiation Safety Standards Committee (an advisory committee to the Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, FDA). A few years later he became Associate Director of the Division of Life Sciences, at the National Center for Medical Devices and Radiological Health, where he had responsibilities for (among other) evaluating/assessing the safety and effectiveness of applications for devices that used or generated electromagnetic energies to diagnose and/or treat illness.
In Dr. Glaser’s very early Navy career, he was trained and served as an electronics technician. He is also a charter member of the international Bioelectromagnetics Society, and for many years provided the ‘microwave bioeffects bibliography’ update (referred to by many as the “centerfold”) for the Society’s monthly newsletter.) Dr. Glaser continued publishing his bibliographic supplements after he left the Navy, with supplements published by NIOSH, and by the Bureau of Radiological Health of the FDA.
The history of microwave radiation
Dr. Glaser has donated his entire RF/Microwave research archives to Professor Magda Havas of Trent University. This material is currently being digitized into electronic documents in the pdf format and will be made available free of charge to those that want to study the effects of electromagnetic fields on the human body.
To view a portion of this library, click HERE

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