People are Not Hypersensitive to Their Electrocution

From Curtis Bennett to W.E.E.P.

Curtis Bennett
Curtis Bennett
The Canadian Initiative to Stop Wireless, Electric, and Electromagnetic Pollution (W.E.E.P.)

The Canadian Initiative to Stop Wireless, Electric, and Electromagnetic Pollution

I have been provided the legal avenues to stop wireless as applied; WEEP Initiative needs to be front and centre with the science backed up. Your lawyers are missing the technical interpretation and can call. The 10 years of legal proceedings is the evidence. Dr. Havas is not electrically qualified in any opinion. Dr. Havas should be all over wireless; how long can you put a baby in a microwave for?

~ Curtis Bennett

Curtis Bennett email forwarded to Dianne Knight of StayOnTheTruth

From: Curtis Bennett <>

Date: Mon, Sep 16, 2024 at 10:23 AM

Subject: People are Not Hypersensitive to Their Electrocution

To: <>

I want to thank you for your dedication to an issue that really threatens all life on the planet. It is also important to share advances in science that will allow you to address the immediate dangers with wireless as applied.

What does the entire world's academia have in common when it comes to temperature? They are blind, we calculate or measure for temperature. We don't get to see temperature until it is red hot.

I am a registered intervener for the West Kootenay Concerned Citizens in the FortisBC Application for wireless smart meters. I have a quadruple science background which includes an Interprovincial Red Seal Journeyman Electrician. I have a 45 year background as a Thermal Radiation Consultant troubleshooting for industries across the board. Thermal Radiation is the natural frequencies and vibrations of all matter above Absolute Zero.(-273 deg C, -496 deg F)

We developed imaging applications to see temperature beyond our visible spectrum. With injury or infection there is an inflammatory response that can now be seen using non invasive radiology. This subject was having abdominal problems. Doctors couldn't diagnose and the mom called asking for help.

This is an accurate temperature image and you can see a scale for reference. The pancreas is behind the stomach and you will see the inverted banana white hot and where you should expect relative uniformity between sides of the body.

The entire science used for the safety of wireless is a plastic head with liquid. The Specific Absorption Rate(SAR) is the plastic head and absorption is an admission of harm.

I did 10 years of legal proceedings with the British Columbia Utilities Commission regarding FortisBC's application for wireless smart meters. I cross examined their "experts" for 3.5 hours, they chose not to cross examine me. The wireless radiation issue is a big mess as exposure means current induced. Current kills.

I have been provided the legal avenues to stop wireless as applied, WEEP Initiative needs to be front and centre with the science backed up. Your lawyers are missing the technical interpretation and can call. The 10 years of legal proceedings is the evidence. Dr. Havas is not electrically qualified in any opinion. Dr. Havas should be all over wireless; how long can you put a baby in a microwave for?

If you have professionals questioning what I am doing they need to step up NOW; damage is measurable by the second. 

Curtis Bennett

Former Chief, International Science Advisory Board for IHF(14,301 members)
Former Adjunct Professor for Accredited Medical Education For CME Credits
Thermal Radiation Consultant for 45 Years
Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal)
Building Construction Engineering Technologist
Ph: 250-860-5707 ext 333


Stratford -
Death by Smart Meter and Wi Fi

September 9, 2010

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