The utility has no right, authority or jurisdiction to electromagnetically radiate coverage areas to communicate with wireless meters

By Curtis Bennett

Wednesday, January 22, 2014 at 10:47am
Curtis Bennett's Comment on Facebook

Curtis Bennett:
Here is a letter from Edward White, a VP for National Grid telling the citizens of Worcester MA the smart meter pilot program will save money. What Edward isn't saying is that the utility has no right, authority or jurisdiction to electromagnetically radiate coverage areas to communicate with wireless meters. They can work on meters that do not have antennas inside them.
Nothing in the coverage areas is electrically compatible with these frequencies and it will effectively electrocute people by putting them in the electrical circuit. Edward White and National Grid did not inform architects, engineers or municipalities they were radiating buildings as well as infrastructure. Buildings and infrastructure are NOT designed for that EMF bombardment so the designs they are insured for will no longer be applicable. It IS causing accelerated corrosion of buildings as well as infrastructure. They did not inform medicine, biology or any sciences that they will effectively change science.
Edward isn't reporting the frequencies as applied will kill pets, bees, birds, pollinators, etc, penetrate the ground which will affect food sources globally. The EMFs will kill trees, crops and everything in the coverage areas. Edward didn't report they used unqualified people to do electrical work in the meter swap and they have created an extremely dangerous environment for the 15,000 buildings in the pilot program. Electricians work with home owners, not around them.
Edward isn't reporting that Worcester city meeting last night is frustrated with what has happened and are trying to get answers National Grid did not provide. The liability and costs National Grid has put onto Worcester is unrealized. What is the subtle electrocution of 10s of thousands in a pilot project worth in a lawsuit? What is the cost of their buildings and bypassing Worcester Building Inspection and fire departments?
Edward isn't reporting the dangers of the frequencies as applied has been lectured in medical education for education credits required for ongoing medical licensing and applicable in 50 states. It is no longer opinion, it is approved and accepted medical education. The Integrative Health Forum was referred to in the council meeting in Worcester for that precedent setting education and the council was listening. The Energy Medicine Program put on by the IHF and GEDI is the only energy medicine program in the world that actually shows energy. That includes the massive energy waste National Grid and other utilities are not addressing. The program shows solar radiation causing buildings to generate heat close to boiling temperature. That will bring more severe weather and National Grid could eliminate the problem with paint, coatings or shade.
Topping that off is the reality, their grid and meters are responding to symptoms and they are billing people for the massive electrical waste they aren't addressing. It will not affect climate change and will even accelerate it.
Electrical and engineering professionals reported the harm so Edward isn't understanding the liability including criminal with his reckless endangerment. There are real ways to address energy savings that would employ millions, it couldn't be seen before.
[PDF] The utility has no right
On the road to a smarter grid
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

"...the utility has no right, authority or jurisdiction to electromagnetically radiate coverage areas to communic..."
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) January 25, 2014

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