The "Trojan Horse" Attack on Public Health
November 14, 2014

Attorney Shawn Abrell discusses the health dangers of electromagnetic radiation and litigation against entities such as US school districts that endanger vulnerable constituencies with the installation and usage of wireless technology.
Abrell has become a foremost expert on the health dangers of wireless
technology. In 2011 he filed suit on behalf of parents against Portland
Oregon Public Schools for the use of WiFi. The judge dismissed the case,
deferring to the Federal Communications Commission, an agency not
mandated to oversee public health concerns.
International organizations such as the World Health Organizations to
national governments set an extremely high threshold for wireless
technology exposure to the human body. “What is the ‘standard of safety’
for wireless technology?” Abrell asks.
It’s the amount of energy it takes to begin heating up your body like a microwave oven does. By the way, cellphones and wireless use the same frequency–2.4 gigahertz–as do microwave ovens. So they have the most harmful effects. The reason a microwave oven works is that it’s the frequency that has the most resonance with water. It heats up the water most … The same thing happens in the body because we’re made of 80% water or more. The body’s water resonates with this and absorbs the radiation. It couldn’t be more of a deadly weapon. It certainly is a Trojan Horse, in my opinion.
This toxic agent is being marketed as “Smart Phones.” It’s giving people the ability to communicate instantly, to essentially have the world at their hands, but [telecomm companies] are totally misrepresenting the harmful effects. I know Steve Jobs knew about the radiation from the iPads, [which] is astounding. Even if you have the WiFi turned off in Airplane mode the amount of dirty electricity coming off of the touchpad surface is about 50 miligauss.
Recently they had a school in Vermont that was closed down because the amount of dirty electricity coming from power lines over the school was 7 miligauss. They closed the school down for 7 miligauss. Why is that? Because 1-2 milligauss has been proven to cause cancer. So we have an unbelievably dangerous device that’s being given to our children, in schools, and they’re not being given the warning labels. They’re not told to not touch the device or keep the device away from your body … The device interacts the with the child’s electromagnetic field, and the child grounds out and discharges all of that dirty electricity and/or extremely high frequency radiation.
The use of such wireless technology in Southern California grade schools is causing physical injury to some students. In the Fullerton and Los Angeles Unified School Districts, for example, when they turned on the new WiFi system and gave [students] iPads, those children began getting bloody noses. I’ve got about five school districts now in the State of California with bloody-nosed kids. In LAUSD the protocol for dealing with this is that [because there's no school nurse on duty] the kids that were reporting bloody noses were told to go to the principal’s office, and the principal’s office would just tell the kids to wash their faces and go back to class. No records were being kept of this. Parents weren’t being told this. We’ve got photos of this … By the time a lot of these kids get home from school their symptoms [such as] bloody noses usually stop, and their other symptoms usually stop later that night. Abrell emphasizes that he is not against using internet technology in instruction. Rather, he points out that “connected/wired” versus WiFi delivery of data and instructional material is much more secure in terms of privacy and overall economical for school budgets. “There is no downside with the alternative,” he notes. “The question becomes, Why would these schools want to go out and spend literally hundreds of millions of dollars? In the LA Unified School District I think they spent $1.25 billion on the roll out of their wireless infrastructure.” The deployment of all such wireless technology proceeds with the widespread notion that it is safe and has gone through sufficient testing. Abrell explains how cellular telephony and wireless have never received sufficient testing. There’s not one single scientist brave enough or willing to state that this technology’s safe. Not one. And most people think that these devices are pre-market tested, like they used to be when I was a kid. Most people grew up in my generation thinking that all products are pre-market tested. Well not with cellphones. Those were specifically exempted from pre-market testing so that they could roll them out and begin generating a profit. Mr. Abrell is recognized internationally for charitable work in the ultra-complex area of children’s civil rights and electromagnetic radiation. Versed in all aspects of personal injury and medical malpractice, insurance, construction, business, U.C.C., and banking, Mr. Abrell is a highly qualified and skilled professional with over ten years of experience in complex state and federal civil litigation in Washington and Oregon courts. He holds degrees from Indiana University and Nova Southeastern Law School.
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