Retired RN Donna Bohannon Interviewed 
Professor Curtis Bennett on Pilots, Pediatricians and
Wi-Fi Inducing Electrical Currents and People are Not Sensitive to Their Electrocution

Pilots, Pediatricians and WiFi Inducing Electrical Currents

Wireless technology as applied should never have been
mass deployed with critical science admitted to be missing.
Wireless Communication is Electromagnetic Radiation inducing electrical currents and compromises all sciences
as well as global objectives.

~ Curtis Bennett


By Curtis Bennett


February 22, 2017

Retired RN Donna Bohannon Interviewed Professor Curtis Bennett on Pilots, Pediatricians and Wi-Fi Inducing Electrical Currents and People are Not Sensitive to Their Electrocution.
This is Part 1 and Part 2 of interviews that are important and in the best interests of 100% of the population. Part 1 was the interview on Monday February 20, 2017 and Part 2 is Wednesday, February 22, 2017.

Politicians and special interests are going to take offense but get over it. Codes and standards do not have one sentence where politics takes precedence over science, codes or standards. Policy is based on science not political agendas.
As a Red Seal Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician, I am one of the millions of electricians in Canada. We are the governments and Industry Canada trained and certified professionals. We are responsible for the utilization of all electricity provided by utilities in the country. I have Government of Canada  and Provincial Government credentials in my wallet. That means we are the recognized electrical experts for EVERY municipality and district in the country. We can be challenged and are accountable but never dismissed.
Red Seal Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician
Red Seal Interprovincial
Journeyman Electrician
Electromagnetic Radiation Spectrum
Wireless technology as applied should never have been mass deployed with critical science admitted to be missing. Wireless Communication is Electromagnetic Radiation inducing electrical currents and compromises all sciences as well as global objectives.
Over the decades there are so many people adversely affected globally that the W.H.O. called it Electrohypersensitivity(EHS). Unfortunately the correct electrical language is electrocution as it applies to biology with an unrealized domino effect into buildings, infrastructure and ecosystems.

Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields(RF EMFs) are governed by codes related to the limits of human exposure that state the real danger as well as the missing science. Electrical Engineer Yakov Schkolnikov of Exponent Inc confirmed under cross examination by Professor Bennett that Canada’s Safety Code 6, FCC and IEEE all used the same standards related to dosage of absorption of energy by the RF EMFs.
Retired RN Donna Bohannon Interviewed  Professor Curtis Bennett on Pilots, Pediatricians and Wi-Fi Inducing Electrical Currents and People are Not Sensitive to Their Electrocution
Electrical Engineer Yakov Schkolnikov of Exponent Inc confirmed under cross examination by Professor Bennett that Canada’s Safety Code 6, FCC and IEEE all used the same standards related to dosage of absorption of energy by the RF EMFs.
When people say the frequencies hurt them, it needs to be understood the frequencies are the speed of a penetrating electromagnetic field. Electrical professionals are very careful with EMFs and the reason we wire the world. If you are caught in the circuit, seconds can mean serious injury or death. If someone is being being electrocuted, you have seconds to respond and if mistakes are made, electricians or others trying to help can be killed as well.
Power has to be shut off or they have to get out of the circuit. If you or 10 people ran up with good intent and grabbed them, they could all be killed. Our trade’s training actually tells you if you used a piece of green lumber(has moisture) to push them off the circuit, you can be killed. Electrons crashing through your body take the path of least resistance.

My own electrical experience included making a mistake working on live electrical. I was getting blasted through my hand and trying to avoid grounding myself while I am stuck in the circuit. If my foot, shoulder or belly touched something grounded, the current would have gone from my hand across my body. It would have burned holes through my heart or other organs that would have killed me immediately.
Current Kills
Current Kills
I was lucky and after getting off the circuit I had a bubble looking blister on my thumb. I scratched it and there was this perfect hole in my thumb like it was done with a drill. Current Kills and it doesn’t take much.

CURRENT KILLS and is the language of Electrocution,
not EHS or Sensitivity

Here are quotes from Safety Code 6(2009) on the Purpose of the Code.

1.1          Purposes of the Code
(page 8)

The purposes of this code are to:

(a) Specify maximum levels of human exposure to RF energy at frequencies between 3 kHz and 300 GHz, to prevent adverse human health effects;

Specify maximum allowable RF contact and induced body CURRENTS
to prevent the physical perception of internal currents resulting from RF energy in uncontrolled environments,
and to prevent RF shock or burns to personnel in controlled environments;
Health Canada Safety Code 6 (2009)
Ohm’s Law
Ohm’s Law
(c) Provide guidance for evaluating RF exposure levels, to ensure that personnel in controlled and uncontrolled environments are not exposed at levels greater than the limits specified in this code.

Do you see the word currents bolded above? Inducing currents increases voltage using Ohm’s Law. Volts equals amps(current) X resistance
The FCC, Health Canada and IEEE using the Specific Absorption Rate test didn’t include any bio electrical information of the body or EMF interaction.
Specific Absorption Rate test
Specific Absorption Rate Test
The SAR test is a plastic body part with liquid it and isn’t science, it should be an aquarium. The name itself is an admission currents are being induced and absorbed.
Electrical grids are rugged where the human bio-electrical grid is very delicate and voltage increases of .2 microvolts changes white blood cells. That .2 microvolt increase in voltage is .2 millionths of 1 volt. Every cell membrane has an electrical charge and EMFs have a profound effect on every cell in the body. Here is a link to Dr. Neil Cherry’s work showing the heart and ELF(extremely low frequencies) impacts. EMR Cardiac Effects Review If your heart isn’t functioning properly, what does that mean to the rest of the body, a developing baby, disabled or those with pacemakers?

Frequencies within the body are reported to be just over 0 Hz to 50 Hz. I asked Electrical Engineer Schkolinkov of Exponent Inc during cross examination for the BC Utilities Commission “What happens when you mix 2 frequencies?” He replied you get 4 resultant frequencies. That means frequencies in the body change with the RF EMFs hitting the body. If the 60 Hz electrical grid changed by a few Hz, the grid would crash.

During the FortisBC application for smart meters for the BC Utilities Commission, FortisBC Engineer Mark Warren called the oscillations of the 900 MHz and 2.45 GHz antenna a hypothesis. Schkolnikov confirmed the oscillations in cross examination. I asked him if the 900 MHz EMFs would oscillate 1.8 billion times per second and the Wi-Fi 2.45 GHz 4.9 billion times per second? Schkolnikov said yes.

That means the EMF of the 900 MHz will expand and collapse inside bodies, buildings, ecosystems and infrastructure 1.8 billion times per second. The Wi-Fi 2.45 GHz EMFs will expand and collapse 4.9 billion times per second. That is inducing electrical currents while increasing voltages. When EMFs go positive and negative, every atom and molecule is polarizing(changing direction) billions of times per second.

Here is a link to media on what Boeing Engineers used for the safety of Wi-Fi on airplanes. They used sacks of potatoes!! That representation of flight crews, airline staff and passengers has alarming ramifications.
sack of potatoes
[Image] Kelly M. Grow / California Department of Water Resources
There are 13,000 dams in the U.S. and 440 Nuclear Power Plants in the world. RF EMFs blanketing these areas will cause accelerated erosion, undermine designs and 5G RF EMFs will contribute to infrastructure failures.
Archived Link to Monday Feb 20, 2017 Interview. There was a technical problem so let it play through as we reconnected for this important interview.

Part 2 this week

WEDNESDAY 5 PM (Central) LIBERTY in ACTION (Feb 22, 2017)
Host: Donna Bohannon
(NEW interview!)
GUESTS: Prof. Curtis Bennett ( will discuss Pilots, Pediatricians and Wi Fi. In studio guest is Robert Levi. Don’t miss this remarkable discussion. EMF and RF from smart meters are just part of the picture.

Robert Levi is an important addition to the discussion, he has a 20 year electrical background in Memphis. Robert validates fires and dangers.
Other applicable professionals need to expand on what they hear in the interview. They were not informed or consulted on an electromotive force hitting everything. Invisible, electromagnetic field fast moving, penetrating, invasive, deadly, changing sciences, vibrating buildings, infrastructure, ecosystems, dams, Wi-Fi in airplanes putting crew and passengers inside  a microwave oven, invasive electromotive forces.

Copyright © 2017. Thermoguy. All rights reserved.

Flyers (8 1/2 x 11)

'Retired RN Donna Bohannon Interviewed Professor Curtis Bennett on Pilots, Pediatricians and Wi-Fi Inducing Electrical Currents and People are Not Sensitive to Their Electrocution' by Adjunct Professor Curtis Bennett, February 22, 2017
‘Here are quotes from Safety Code 6(2009)


Boeing Engineers Use Potatoes For Wi-Fi Safety on Airplanes??

Response to: Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission On Granting Ontario Power Generation 13 Year License For Darlington Nuclear Power Plant

RF EMFs Causing Accelerated Corrosion of Power Plants, Buildings & Infrastructure

Former Professor Curtis Bennett


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