President Obama on Error Reported in
Safety Standards on Wireless

As a first response consulting company, we are reporting this as an international emergency and look forward to substantiating that within laws as well as existing education standards.
~ Curtis Bennett

By Curtis Bennett

Posted: February 19, 2011
Office of the President of the United States of America
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C.
Fax: 202-456-2461
Att: President Barack Obama
Re: Significant Error in Wireless Safety Reported to Canadian Parliament
Dear Mr. Obama:
There was a significant error or omission in safety standards reported by expert witness to Canadian Parliament’s Standing Committee on Health on potential health impacts of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation.
As a result of the reported error in safety standards, radiofrequency interaction with humans is causing nerve and muscle depolarization or a heat effect as per the language of safety codes. Safety Codes state that this is to be avoided and in January, 2011 the error as well as the dangers were lectured in medical education where medical professionals get education credits they need for licensing. The reported error or omission in safety standards qualifies the adverse health and environmental effects reported by professionals and concerned constituents.
This doesn’t take away from the important technological advances your administration has announced, the advancements can be installed properly to protect the public as well as the environment that sustains all life.
As a first response consulting company, we are reporting this as an international emergency and look forward to substantiating that within laws as well as existing education standards. Radiating populations and pollinators that provide food sources is an issue requiring immediate dialogue.
Curtis Bennett
Thermografix Consulting Corporation

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