Meters, connections,
arcing and fires

Note: Bent Stab Connection at #8?
Caused by Pressure on Stab & Source of Fire.
Meters, connections, arcing and fires, media
Exclusive Quotation

Take a look at a picture of a meter base fire and how some unqualified person bent the stab connection causing a fire.
More fires are going to happen and the reason
electrical professionals are trained as well as certified.

~ Curtis Bennett
July 3, 2024

Curtis Bennett email forwarded to Dianne Knight of StayOnTheTruth

By Curtis Bennett


June 23 2024, 11:47 AM Eastern Time

Good Morning Dianne,

Thank you for this important work as it relates to meter fires. I am a registered intervener in FortisBC's application to the BCUC for wireless smart meters and I have legal standing in utility court specific to the issue. The meter base on the church can not be ruled out as the cause of the fire. 

When utilities decided to use a wireless smart meter, they ran into complications and did not pay attention to their qualified electrical professionals warning them specific to liability. The biggest cause of electrical failure is loose and corroded connections. As an electrical professional we clean and tighten connections as an ongoing  maintenance. There is a defined electrical connection where the utilities jurisdiction ends and electricians begin. FortisBC as one example mass installed illegal smart meters. People with no electrical background were paid by the meter and they literally ran door to door swapping out meters while they were under electrical load. That installation in itself would cause more problems including fires that were outside fire protection.

Wireless smart meters are plastic, combustible and outside fire separations making more complications including out of control fires like the church. Buildings are designed and constructed to compartmentalize a fire for specific amounts of time. Here is work we did specific to the issue that you can use as well as share with your media, fire officials as well as city council.

The Kelowna Daily Courier wrote an article that I responded to in my qualified capacity. You will see where a meter base had connection problems and there was a fire. I cross examined FortisBC experts under oath and those legal proceedings are in this file. Fire Departments were not informed.

Meter Base has 8 Connections REQUIRING Inspection & Maintenance
Meter Base has 8 Connections REQUIRING Inspection & Maintenance 
Image: Page 9 of
'Response to FortisBC's Daily Courier Article Advances Meters are Safe and Smart'
The problem isn't going to go away and people as well as professionals are at risk. That is separate from the environmental issues globally with the smoke and pollutants circling the planet affecting all life. This is an unprecedented emergency that needs to be dealt with.

Former Professor Curtis Bennett

Former Chief, International Science Advisory Board for IHF(14,301 members) 
Former Adjunct Professor for Accredited Medical Education For CME Credits 
Thermal Radiation Consultant for 45 Years 
Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal) 
Building Construction Engineering Technologist
Ph: 250-860-5707 ext 333
“Bringing the Invisible to Light Since 1979”
Wireless Communication is Electromagnetic Radiation Inducing Electrical Current, Changing ALL Sciences

Copyright © 2024 Thermoguy. All rights reserved.

Editor's Note

The 'church' refers to the fire at St. Anne’s Anglican Church in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on June 9, 2024.

Former Professor Curtis Bennett

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