Havas profiting from this EMF assault on all life when her DECT Phone Study outlines health effects at very low power density will have consequences as well as liabilities

By Curtis Bennett


March 24, 2022

“Havas profiting from this EMF assault on all life when her Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) Phone Study outlines health effects at very low power density will have consequences as well as liabilities. That includes criminal liability and you won't get probation for killing people. She undermined Trent University as well as the rest. Degrees and diplomas are no longer valid as all sciences have changed.

This is the reason she was warned and informed in my capacity which includes law enforcement as it pertains to applicable codes.”
~ Curtis Bennett

Curtis Bennett Email:
“Havas profiting from this EMF assault on all life..."

Curtis Bennett email


During Real Time Monitoring of the Heart Some Individuals Experienced an Irregular Heart Rate or a Rapid Heart Rate that Occurred Only During Provocation

October 22, 2010
Dr. Magda Havas, PhD

During Real Time Monitoring of the Heart Some Individuals Experienced an Irregular Heart Rate or a Rapid Heart Rate that Occurred Only During Provocation

Office of the Auditor General of Canada, Petition on DECT Phones

Magda Havas

June 2008


No. 253 Potential adverse health effects from phones using Digital Enhanced Telecommunications
No. 253 Potential adverse health effects from phones using Digital Enhanced Telecommunications
Request that first generation DECT Phones be Banned in Canada

Environmental Petition
submitted to the
Auditor General of Canada,
June 2008

Request that first generation
DECT Phones
be Banned in Canada


'What Figure 2 also shows is that all of these effects are well below Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 (1000 microW/cm2 ), which suggests that Safety Code 6 is failing to protect the health of Canadians.'
Figure 2. Studies showing health effects of radio frequency radiation (RFR) at various power densities superimposed on radiation from a DECT phone (2).
What Figure 2 also shows is that all of these effects are well below Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 (1000 microW/cm2 ), which suggests that Safety Code 6 is failing to protect the health of Canadians.

The Rose Lab

“ROSE” stands for “Research of Subtle Energy"

The Rose Lab

At .1 of 1 MicroWatt, There Were Altered Brain Waves

.2 MicroVolts (millionths of 1 volt) Increase Changes White Blood Cells

By Curtis Bennett

June 18, 2012

.2 micro-volts(millionths of 1 volt) increase changes white blood cells

Editor's Note

The work of Professor Curtis Bennett lays the groundwork within his area of professional electrical expertise, to support the academic work of Electromagnetic Fields research professionals, not compete. 

Certain people in positions of responsibility did not correctly relay the reported Error or Omission in Health Canada Safety Code 6 and the reported violation of Building Code Rule Vibration after being legally informed by Professor Curtis Bennett that the Code Laws had been changed.

Certain people, who do not have the electrical credentials of Former Professor Curtis Bennett, http://www.stayonthetruth.com/curtis-bennett-education-and-credentials.php
would not be able to promote a false concept, claiming to desire a lower amount in non-ionizing radiation exposure "guidelines", when it is proven, with zero margin of error, that there is no safe level of exposure whatsoever under Code Laws.

How can all life and the planet survive if all our Nuclear Facilities are proceeding towards Nuclear Failure Within Borders in every jurisdiction globally?


Darlington NOT compliant with Building Code Rule Vibration

By Curtis Bennett

October 21, 2015


Copyright © 2022 Thermoguy. All rights reserved.

Former Professor Curtis Bennett


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