Ombudsperson Province of British Columbia

Complaint through the
Office of the Ombudsperson Province of British Columbia

By Curtis Bennett

This complaint is applicable to every province and their jurisdictions Causing Loss of Entire Tax Base With Buildings No Longer Compliant With BC Building Codes
This complaint is applicable to every province and their jurisdictions

February 12, 2024

I am a Registered Intervener for the West Kootenay Concerned Citizens(WKCC) in FortisBC's application for wireless smart meters. I am an Interprovincial Red Seal with electrical credentials recognized across Canada for the utilization of all electricity. That makes this complaint applicable to every province and their jurisdictions.
~ Curtis Bennett

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I am in the wireless electrical circuit and electrically diagnosing my dying.
~ Curtis Bennett

What else do we need to know about contacting you?
I am a Registered Intervener for the West Kootenay Concerned Citizens(WKCC) in FortisBC's application for wireless smart meters.

I am an Interprovincial Red Seal with electrical credentials recognized across Canada for the utilization of all electricity. That makes this complaint applicable to every province and their jurisdictions.

Safety Code 6
Limits of Human Exposure
to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic
Energy in the Frequency Range from
3 kHz to 300 GHz

There is zero allowable induced or contact current. Current can kill and it is electrocution. Safety Code 6 reflects the ignorance of any professionals trying to explain electrocution. There is no acceptable absorption of this electrical energy. A reference to watts per kg is basing exposure on weight of the tissue.

FortisBC 's application to the BCUC for wireless smart meters was rubber stamped by a corrupt BCUC with corrupt commissioners. There are reasons we wire the world not allowing populations, buildings, infrastructure and ecosystems to be electrocuted by a wireless electrical circuit. The planet and all on it would die. Damage can be measured by the second.

Wireless gives the illusion of savings except everything in the wireless circuit is being adversely affected including the building the wireless is in. The wireless radiation will make all exposed buildings no longer compliant with Building Code. Kelowna, as an example, would lose their entire tax base and buildings could not be occupied.
What organization is your complaint about?
British Columbia Utilities Commission(BCUC)
Have you tried to resolve your complaint with the organization directly?
Summarize your complaint...
This complaint is about the British Columbia Utilities Commission(BCUC) encapsulating 17,000 sq. km of Kelowna with highly penetrating microwaves(emfs). I am one of the population inside that man made microwave oven. I am in the wireless electrical circuit and electrically diagnosing my dying.
This isn't a question of "unfair"; ask electrical engineers how much current they can induce and the answer would be zero.

The entire science used for the safety of wireless is a plastic head and applicable codes admit science is missing. Damage to buildings and infrastructure by these microwaves will make all buildings non compliant with BC Building Code.

The BCUC rubberstamped FortisBC's application for wireless smart meters when the application should have been denied based on science admitted to be missing in exposure code Safety Code 6.

A Reconsideration on the application as well as the required criteria is being filed. This document went to the City of Kelowna Mayor and council. and-Smart.pdf

There is a link is to an article for the Daily Courier and Mark Warren of FortisBC calling the meters safe when critical science is admitted to be missing. bcs-application-for-wireless-smart-meters/
How can we help you resolve your complaint?
There is nothing on the planet electrically compatible with the electromagnetic radiation of wireless. The heartbeat of mother earth is 7.83 Hz as is the human heart. Brain is 8.3 Hz and wireless is 2.45,000,000,000 Hz There is nothing on the planet electrically compatible with wireless as applied. 2.45 GHz emfs will oscillate(polarize) 4.9 billion times per second vibrating the building and fire separations making the building non compliant with Building Code. Here is my submission regarding an aging nuclear power plant in Ontario. Here is a submission for the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission on aging nuclear power plants.
Is there anything else that is important for us to know?
How long can you put a baby in a microwave for? Damage can be measured by the second with these EMFs polarizing 86,400 times every 24 hours.
How did you hear about our office?
Referral (by advocate, legal organization, etc.)

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Former Professor Curtis Bennett


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