Bioeffects of Selected

September 1, 2011
This is an important link to read. It is a declassified military document about EMFs. This document is about the Bioeffects of EMFs in many applications including hostage taking. This is a military document, science and facts as they are known. There is no politics in science.
Lecturing magnetic fields and electromagnetic fields in accredited medical education for Continuing Medical Education Credits required investigating Wi-Fi in schools in 2010.
The important part of this document is you will see the highlighted section on page 3 where they admit mechanisms are missing linking EMFs to adverse health effects. Bioeffects of Selected Non-Lethal Weapons
You will see other highlighted areas including an admission that microwave interaction is based on 40 years of experience with the heating effects of microwaves. Everything was based on heating because 100% of the bio-electrical information associated with humans or any biology was left out of the equation. There are zero circumstances where critically important bio-electrical information would be left out of an electrical equation.
See the declassified document dated December 13, 2006 missing mechanisms. Know that causation and biological plausibility linking RF EMFs to adverse health effects was found and reported September 14, 2010 to Government of Canada’s Health Canada.
Expert witness was provided to Canadian Parliaments Standing Committee on Health at their request October 26, 2010.
January 7&8, 2011 Causation and Biological Plausibility was lectured for Continuing Medical Education Credits required for ongoing medical licensing. Due to the program being lectured at the University of Central Florida, Continuing Education Brokers wanted the program approved for all health disciplines in Florida.
That said the program is applicable to all health professionals in North America and it is important because the scope of medical diagnosis has changed.

DEC 13 2006
Freedom of Information
Privacy Office
Mr. Donald Friedman
Confidential Legal Correspondence
1125 Third Street
Napa, California 94559-3015
Dear Mr. Friedman:
a. Your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request dated May 25, 2006, to the Department of the Army, Freedom of Information/Privacy Act Division (DA FOIA/PA DIV), for all documents pertaining to the microwave auditory effect, microwave hearing effect, Frey effect, artificial telepathy, and/or any device/weapon which uses and./or causes such effect; and any covert or undisclosed use of hypnosis. On September 5, 2006, the DA FOIA/PA DIV referred a copy of your request to this office. Your request was received on September 11, 2006.
b. Our letter of September 13, 2006, informing you of the search for records at another element of our command and were unable to comply with the 20-day statutory time limit in processing your request.
As noted in our letter, the search has been completed with another element of this command and the record has been returned to this office for our review and direct response to you.
We have completed a mandatory declassification review in accordance with Executive Order (EO) 12958, as amended. As a result of this review, it has been determined that the Army information no longer warrants security classification protection and is releasable to you. A copy of the record is enclosed for your use.
Fees for processing your request are waived.
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Bioeffects_of_Selected_Non-Lethal_Weapons.pdf Size : 4206.721 Kb Type : pdf |

Declassified military document admit mechanisms of interaction/ action missing linking RF EMFs 2 adverse health
— Professor Curtis Bennett (@RealThermoguy) December 9, 2017
Mechanisms require qualified electrical interpretation first. RF are EMFs, electromagnetic induction, invisible electromotive FORCE thru you.
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