Mon., Mar. 23, 2015,
Phone call To Mark Warren, FortisBC
From: Curtis Bennett

'Mark was the project sponsor for the electric AMI system implementation at FortisBC. He is also responsible for a number of innovation initiatives including the implementation of a corporate data analytics solution, development of an electric vehicle strategy and preparation of a gas AMI business case.'

February 1, 2015, 00:20
No one was informed or consulted on blanket radiation of their coverage area. This will irradiate several cities and 17,000 sq. kms or 6564 sq. miles. That makes an uninsulated wireless electrical circuit that is 17,000 sq. km long and wide. It is a very dirty circuit and you are in it. The SAR test didn't include the antennas, routers and grid. That is why causation has been missing linking the RF EMFs to adverse health effects.
I cross examined Mark Warren in front of the BCUC Panel on the FortisBC application. He confirmed the blanket radiation substantiating how buildings are hit. Exponent Electrical Engineer Yakov Shkolnikov confirmed under cross examination that the high speed oscillations associated with 900 MHz of smart meters is 1.8 billion times per second, their Zigbee chip at 2.45 GHz will oscillate 4.9 billion times per second.
EMFs are dangerous depending what they interact with. If you can duck and the EMF just misses you, you can't be hurt. FortisBC Engineer Mark Warren confirms with blanket coverage you are inside the RF EMF. The oscillations are confirmed and we know they go through your body. Those oscillations are happening inside walls, roofs, people, bees and doing horrific damage inducing currents.
Follow the dialogue and links, you will see transcripts and evidence of the BCUC Dr Bailey of Exponent admits to so many frequencies associated with the body, voltages but they left it all out for a plastic head with water in it.
Causality and biological plausibility is now know. That electrically substantiates the adverse health effects and those reporting professionals.
![]() | Advanced meters are safe as well as smart
We would like to respond to information that has appeared in recent letters to the editor published ... |

From: Curtis Bennett <>
Date: Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: Phone call
To: "Warren, Mark" <>
In your absence I asked to speak with the CEO Michael Mulcahy, especially after your recent media through the Kelowna Cap News.
transcripts and evidence of the BCUC is the BC Government. You did not
qualify the safety and applicability of your smart meter program which
brings a substantial liability to FortisBC as well as Kelowna. Exponent
Expert Shkolnikov said it would be his duty to revise their report on
Risk Assessment if critical science was missing. Exponent experts
admitted critical science was missing from their reporting and you and
Loski referring to electricity as a hypothesis is ridiculous. You
dismissed BC Building Code rules specific to this without consulting
Now you get to be liable as the mass installation of
meters as applied has pulled over 22,000 buildings off the market. Your
reckless endangerment will be accounted for and the specific reason you
were warned. Shkolnikov admitted under direct cross examination that
static charges can be induced that could set off explosions which
directly undermines you Gas Utility.
Ohms Law is Volts = amps x
resistance and electromagnetically inducing currents increases cellular
voltages where .2 millionths of 1 volt increase changes white blood
cells(cancers) Dr. Bailey confirmed under cross that the EMFs trigger
nerves but had to hit people. He also confirmed the nervous hormonal and
immune systems work together.
The City of Kelowna City Council
is referring people to FortisBC and the BCUC on a Building Code
violation when neither of you are the authority having jurisdiction.
Expose codes state the EMFs are not supposed to hit people yet you admit
to blanketing 17,000 sq. kms. FortisBC's Holiday Inn isn't designed the
EMF interaction and will be non compliant with BC Building Code.
apologize that this was over your head technically. The FortisBC
application should have been failed by the BCUC but that would have
meant BC Hydro's smart meter program would be reversed.
I would
like to meet with Michael, yourself and Loski based on an unprecedented
urgency. The CEO needs to know Auditors, insurers, lawyers and unions
are not laughing. Nether are industries or Universities where you have
effectively changed engineering and biology. You have changed Canadian
Electrical Code with classed areas where a spark can create massive
Please have Michael call me and once again we aren't
lobbyists nor is what I am saying exclusive to me. You can explain to
Michael how you dismissed electricity as peer reviewed science. People
are getting file numbers locally with the RCMP and the RCMP are getting
meters on their own member's homes endangering their own families.
number is on the letter and I look forward to assisting FortisBC avoid
liability that will far exceed assets. That is separate of the criminal
liability. Last week we received calls from concerned parents about
their children having seizures and before you dismiss it, your one
antenna reaches 3 kms. If you induce one pacemaker, who goes to jail for
that? The damage is measurable by the second and I don't want to hear
your unqualified opinion as a response.
Curtis Bennett
Chief Science Officer
Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal)
Engineering Technologist
Adjunct Professor for Integrative Health Forum & GEDI
35 Year Advanced Thermography Background
Ph: 604-239-2694

On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 1:10 PM, Warren, Mark wrote:
Hi Curtis,
I understand that you called on Friday. Is there something I can help you with?
Social Media

Posted by Dianne Knight on Tuesday, 24 March 2015

" meter program...substantial liability...FortisBC...Kelowna...criminal liability..."
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) March 25, 2015

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