Washington State Department
of Health Responding To Wi-Fi
Safety Concerns in Our Schools

Are your children in school in a man-made microwave oven?
~ Curtis Bennett
April 20, 2017
Governments and utilities never should have allowed energy or other industry to bypass regulation.
~ Curtis Bennett
By Curtis Bennett

March 4, 2014
Congratulations to Washington State Politicians for doing their job and seeking a qualified response about Washington State Department of Health document on Wi-Fi deployment in 296 school districts. It takes real leadership to let qualified science professionals do their jobs.
Electromagnetic fields interacting with anything is an electrical interaction. We wire the world for particular reasons. Wires are insulated to protect people as well as the circuit. We know EVERYTHING about the wire as all circuits are designed.
In the wireless application everything hit by the EMFs is now inside the wireless wire. That is why care is required because the RF EMFs interfere with our body’s electricity and more damage with polarization.
Governments allowing regulatory process to be bypassed has allowed a frequency bombardment that is damaging infrastructure, buildings as well as hurting people and ecosystems.
The highlighted document link opens a letter Washington State Department of Health on Wi-Fi in Schools. [also posted below]
It is important for the reader to keep this simple and expand on it as it relates to you. Policy and laws are based on science with all sciences complimenting each other.
Governments and utilities never should have allowed energy or other industry to bypass regulation. Your homes are financed and insured based on compliance with building codes. Blanket coverage of the municipality with highly penetrating, high speed EMFs bypasses the municipality’s jurisdiction and they were not consulted or informed.
The specific absorption rate is the science adopted for limits of exposure to RF EMFs. It is a plastic head without biology and ridiculous science related to health. The plastic head is being used to bypass architecture, engineering, building codes, radiating all biology and every atom or molecule. Heating atmospheric molecules creates heat and contributes to weather severity.
Complain to your local city council, state and federal representatives of this error that will adversely affect all economy while slowly electrocuting populations, pets, animals, wildlife, trees, fish, micro biology, bees, pollinators, etc. Your cities will bring in their own lawyers, engineers and assist because buildings will reach a state where real estate won’t sell, won’t be financed or occupied. No taxes.
Report to your insurers, universities, police, fire, etc, they were not told or consulted either about blanket radiation. EMFs going through buildings, refineries. oil, gas, and inducing electrical charges in classed areas can cause explosions, fires, loss of life.
Alan Rivaldo put out a document to the Texas PUC dismissing the the dangers of the RF EMFs. He refers to a court case dismissed because causation couldn’t be proven. That isn’t the truth any more.
Causation needs to be substantiated by qualified electrical professionals first. EMFs are an electrical mechanism and the EMFs hitting people, buildings, infrastructure, crops, watersheds, etc is an electrical interaction.
There is no more dialogue on wireless being “possibly” carcinogenic. Causation has been reported, the science is electromagnetic radiation, electricity.
Lawyers will have an easier time explaining to a judge or jury the mechanisms hitting people, buildings, infrastructure and ecosystems.
The water district administrators already shared the document with board members to inform and educate.
[PDF] Washington State Department of Health Responding To
Wi-Fi Safety Concerns in Our Schools
Wi-Fi Safety Concerns in Our Schools
Copyright © 2014 Thermoguy. All rights reserved.

'Washington State Department
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) May 10, 2024
of Health Responding To Wi-Fi
Safety Concerns in Our Schools'
[Exclusive Quotation]
“Are your children in school in a man-made microwave oven?”
~ Professor Curtis Bennett
[Telephone call April 20, 2017]https://t.co/BTsdTqBt7k#EMF #WiFi pic.twitter.com/68v0SaQuAL
@CheriDiNovo Thank you Cher. Technical malfunction during your supportive answer, start 22:31; not fully transmitted or recorded correctly.
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) March 14, 2014

@CheriDiNovo Pls comment on "Responding to The Washington State Department of Health on Wi-Fi in 296 School Distr..." http://t.co/BTsdTqTCls
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) March 7, 2014
March 7, 2014:
At 29:30, MPP - Update March 7th, 2014, Cheri DiNovo, MPP for Parkdale-High Park, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, promises to address this letter on her next Google hangout.

https://t.co/L2kwVgDmSK Document for Washington State elected official
— Curtis Bennett (@RealThermoguy) August 19, 2016
@DianneKnight pic.twitter.com/A1Twlzbjl4
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) October 3, 2014
"Governments & utilities never should have allowed energy or other industry to bypass regulation." ~ Curtis Bennett http://t.co/oonDjO0G7h
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) March 5, 2014

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