To be calm is the greatest asset in the world

Ram Das Batchelder:
December 27, 2015 ·
Ramana Maharshi said to me,
"The only spiritual life you need is not to react."
To be calm is the greatest asset in the world.
It's the greatest siddhi, the greatest power you can have.
If you can only learn to be calm you will solve every problem.
This is something you must remember.
When you are perfectly calm, time stops.
There is no time, karma stops, samskaras stop.
Everything becomes null and void.
For when you are calm you are one with the entire energy of the universe
and everything will go well with you.
To be calm means you are in control.
You're not worried about the situation, the outcome.
What is going to happen tomorrow.
To be calm means everything is alright.
There is nothing to worry about, nothing to fret over.
This is also the meaning of the biblical saying,
"Be still and know that I am God."
To be calm is to be still.
~Robert Adams

Posted by Dianne Knight on Monday, 28 December 2015
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