by Magda Havas, BSc, PhD

Posted: October 6, 2009

2012 consumers will be unable to buy energy inefficient incandescent
light bulbs in most countries. Currently the only product available that
is both energy efficient and inexpensive are compact fluorescent light
(CFL) bulbs and these bulbs are making people sick. Some develop skin
rashes, others become tired or have difficulty concentrating and some
develop aches and pains. Those who suffer from migraines, epilepsy,
lupus, and sensitive skin are most at risk. The video below introduces
you to the dark side of these curly light bulbs.
Editor's Note:
Video unavailable.
But all is not lost. Research on energy efficient bulbs is currently underway and the LED (light emitting diodes) may be a much better solution if the light quality can be improved and the cost can be reduced. Not only do they not emit toxic radiation, they don’t contain toxic mercury and are not a health hazard if accidentally broken.
To learn more go to: CFL - Get the Facts.

CBC News at Six:
Be Green
The dark side of the CFL

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