Stratford - Death by Smart Meter and Wi Fi
W.E.E.P. News
Wireless Electrical and Electromagnetic Pollution NewsStratford - Death by Smart Meter and Wi Fi
After receiving the information below and seeing the photograph which is attached, I went to the house in Stratford, Ontario, to see this dying shrub for myself. I was shocked at the amount of harm caused to the plant. I was able to see that the dying and sick leaves were much worse than the photograph shows.
The smart meter had only been installed about two months ago yet there were several leaves that had completely withered up, as if they had been dried in place. Many other leaves showed signs of disease, with dozens of small dry spots spread across the leaves.
The damage spread out for at least three feet from the smart meter. Leaves several feet away were very healthy, they were bright green with no signs of harm.
Another meter attached to the house next door was about eighteen feet away and many leaves on the tree, which were close to that meter, were changing colour.
I measured the microwave radiation between the houses and it constantly spiked over two thousand microwatts per square metre. The radiation was almost continuous, one powerful spike after another. This City wide Wi Fi, smart meter system is very powerful, highly dangerous and must be stopped. Fighting this danger is part of my election platform in the Stratford Municipal Election.
Note: More detailed photographs of the plant, will be taken and made available, when the weather improves.
Martin Weatherall
Hi Martin
I am taking the opportunity to forward to you some photos of the decay in vegetation immediately surrounding our meter on the side of the house. We never noticed what was going on until the euonymous started to drop leaves in the vicinity of the smart meter just this week. Since we have the climbing plant growing on 3 sides of our house, I took a quick walk around to see if it was some sort of fungus affecting the plant or what the source of the decay could be. My investigation revealed that only the euonymous around the meter has been affected. I've included a photo of a healthy branch farther removed from the meter as a comparison.
My guess is that any studies into related health issues from smart meter emissions have probably been ignored or overlooked by municipalities.
It would be interesting to see if anyone else has experienced noticeable effects from their smart meters.
I think people need to be made aware of the dangers of smart meters.
Who will monitor the health effects on urban populations?
Sent: Monday, September 06, 2010 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: Smart Meter visual effects
Hi Martin:
This photo today shows the progression of vegetative decay around the smart meter. I should mention that before the smart meter was installed, vibrant green vegetation completely surrounded the meter. A robin nested above the meter last year.
Stratford Smart Meter Killing Shrub

Published on Oct 1, 2010
About three months ago, the old but perfectly serviceable electric meter was removed and replaced with a 'smart meter' which sends information to the electrical
This meter sends signals almost continuously, as can be seen and heard by the radio frequency meter readings. The damage caused by the radiation can be seen very clearly in this video. The harm to the shrub is much worse close to the meter and the damage decreases with the distance. At about three metres away, the shrub is quite healthy with bright green leaves. The leaves closest to the meter appear to be dried and diseased. According to Health Canada, microwave radiation at this level, which is below their safety standards, does not cause biological harm.
The resident of this home has suffered sleep problems since the meter was installed.

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