Response To Health Canada on W.H.O. IARC Report Linking Cell Phones To Cancer

This blog is about administrative negligence, don’t care why or who does it because they will answer for themselves. The problem in this case is an administration didn’t do their job as the law dictated except this hurts people, animals, pollinators and the ecosystems that sustain all life on the planet.
The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer reported a “possible” link between cell phones and cancer. The word “possible” leave lots of argument for lawyers for the telecommunications industry.
What the W.H.O. didn’t know at the time of their reporting is that the mechanism or link had been found and reported to Health Canada as well as Canadian Parliament as the reporting profession’s jurisdictional authority. It was Health Canada’s job to report that mechanism as the authority and as defined in law. They didn’t report and as a result created an administrative nightmare with that negligence. Here is a link to a letter faxed to Health Canada on their negligence.
The World Health Organization reports Glioma as the cancer associated with cell phone use. Follow that link so you can hear about a very aggressive brain cancer. You and your children are not supposed to hold radiating devices next to your head, you aren’t wired for those frequencies.
When you hear reporting professionals talking about cell phones not causing problems, ask them about their electrical credentials because doctors, physicists, MSc, accountants, administrators, etc. aren’t qualified to understand the frequency mechanism. Reporting without the required electrical professionals is inaccurate and incomplete.
Here is another link to show you an infrared image of before and after cell phone use; see any differences? Men need to look at the images of the radiation and think about that cell phone in your pocket next to your testicles. Follow the links on the page.
Don’t use cordless phones, wireless baby monitors or other wireless devices without consideration for the nerve problems that are reported. Humans aren’t wired for these frequencies and there will be serious consequences. Here is a link to a publication released on June 16, 2011 on much slower EMFs causing DNA Collapse.

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