Regulator rules smart meters not a fire risk but wants more information from utilities
All people will be accountable for what they did or did not do when it comes to the way RF EMFs have been politicized and deployed. Anyone that is a professional or claims to be will be accountable. These RF EMFs are highly penetrating and extremely dangerous as applied. When it comes to meter bases, electrical connections, fires. exchanging meters, I have recognized Government and Industry Canada electrical credentials. Simply put it means electricians are the experts for the utilization of electricity produced by utilities, electrical engineers can't do this work. My own personal electrical background is construction, maintenance, troubleshooting and consulting.
I have a 37 year background using infrared technology for oil, gas, refineries, utilities, chemical, manufacturing industries, governments, insurers, fire, military, forestry, mines, mills, municipalities, engineers, medicine, etc. That allow sight of temperature that couldn't otherwise be seen. That includes being retained to troubleshoot electrical/mechanical/refractory systems under load. Electrical connections are the weakest point in an electrical circuit and they require regular maintenance. They get loose and corroded making them the biggest reported problem. We isolate the electrical problem in our reporting and their trades confirm, repair or replace. Reporting got to be so accurate shutdowns were based on our reporting. Less production losses, economic losses, tax revenues, failures, explosions, fires, injuries meant cheaper insurance premiums and savings for all.
When it comes to smart meters, I was on the Texas Public Utilities Commission's Expert Panel and provided written evidence for the Texas Senate Committee. I was a Registered Intervener in the FortisBC application for smart meters and cross examined their experts under oath for the BC Utilities Commission's Hearings. The BCUC has provided legal avenues to reverse FortisBC's smart meter program as well as BC Hydro s. Meter base and connections will be a liability to the utilities as each and every meter base will require re-inspection with proper maintenance done by the building owner's electrician at cost to the utilities.
Here is a letter to Kelowna Mayor and Council, the document has transcripts and cross examination of FortisBC experts under oath. Page 9 to 12 shows a meter base fire with a damaged connection and the reality of loose and corroded connections heating. If the connections are not cleaned and tightened, electrical failure will happen. It is just a matter of time.…/Response-to-FortisBCs-Daily-Courier-…
Len Garis's Report in 2015 is inaccurate from the start. Mr. Garis isn't qualified in any electrical opinion and didn't obtain a qualified electrical opinion. I have been troubleshooting electrical distribution for industries/insurers since 1979 and the biggest reported problem is loose or corroded connections. Ask BC Hydro how often connections cause problems? It is the weakest point of an electrical circuit. BC Hydro has had to replace 88,000 meters and that can be tied to meter base problems. Having that many meters have problems requires an investigation and FortisBC had meters fail in one community and that needs to be a matter of record regarding meter failure, fires. BC Hydro replaces 88,000 meters at costs of many millions and that is part of the information that should be incorporated into fires, losses. The power surges associated with the installation caused damage to appliances, electronics. Arcs and surges did happen and will continue to happen because FortisBC, BC Hydro and other utilities did not clean and tighten the connections.
The BC Utilities Commission provided a legal avenue to reverse FortisBC's smart meter program as well as BC Hydro s. That will have the domino effect across provinces, states and countries on this dangerous technology as applied. That Reconsideration can happen if the BCUC made an error. They did.
Adjunct Professor Curtis Bennett

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