Re: Immediate Suspension of
B.C. Smart Meter Programs,
Damage is Measurable
By the Second

I am contacting you in my qualified capacity calling for the immediate suspension of B.C. wireless smart meter programs. This document will summarize 1000’s of hours of objective investigation finding and reporting errors and omissions in
Health Canada’s Safety Code 6(2009).
~ Curtis Bennett

By Curtis Bennett

July 4, 2018
File # IEB2/13LTB2/16
British Columbia Government
Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources
Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
Att: Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources
cc: Environment Minister George Heyman, Premier John Horgan
Re: Immediate Suspension of B.C. Smart Meter Programs, Damage is Measurable By the Second
Dear Minister Michelle Mungal:
While this document will not be popular at many levels including utilities, FCC, IEEE, governments, companies or professionals that didn’t do their jobs. An unprecedented health, environment and economic emergency have been created that needs to be addressed immediately. RF EMFs are microwaves that are not supposed to hit people, buildings, infrastructure, classrooms, schools, atmosphere or ecosystems. The fact that all of the above industries are using a plastic head or body part with liquid in it to supersede all sciences, codes and standards while they mass deploy has created the unprecedented emergency. Site C Dam and any pipeline can not move ahead or they will fail. The only construction that can withstand these EMFs as deployed is an MRI Chamber.
The British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) directed me to your office specifically regarding the reversal of BC Hydro’s smart meter program. BC Hydro used the Clean Energy Act to bypass the BCUC application for smart meters while FortisBC went through the BCUC application process.
I cross-examined FortisBC experts under oath and FortisBC chose not to cross-examine me even though my opening statement at the BCUC Hearings included looking forward to cross-examination. I attended the hearings in the best interest of all parties including FortisBC.
The reason I was asked to be the West Kootenay Concerned Citizen’s Registered Intervener in the FortisBC smart meter application was specific to my background which includes government credentials for electrical energy provision.
Governments never should have allowed the mass deployment of smart meters. Exposure codes used around the world admitted causation and biological plausibility linking EMFs to adverse health effects was missing. Now that causation and biological plausibility has been found as well as reported through Health Canada, there will be liability for the real damage done. Ex PM Stephen Harper will have to own that his administration allowed populations including children and babies to be put inside a man-made microwave oven.
The construction industry is the economy and governed by codes. It takes all different trades and services working together to get the job done. Compliance with applicable codes is required or there would be no financing, insuring, occupying, selling, buying, investment or associated economy. Governments rely on the tax base to provide services. Our job includes reporting to and through authorities having jurisdiction for that compliance.
BC Building Code as one example does not state science is missing; buildings are falling down but keep building till we find cause. Canadian Electrical Code does not reference explosions in the oil industries or people being electrocuted but keep wiring till cause is determined. Causation would be found first specific to consequences.
That is why I am informing you this document isn’t a debate and all applicable professionals need to expand on it.
BC Hydro and FortisBC did not have the authority or jurisdiction to trespass and work on the meter base; they can only read their meter. The utility’s meter is electrically connected to the building owner’s meter base; any meter exchange or work on the meter base requires the utility and building owner’s electrician to complete the job.
I was part of the team that found and reported the causal evidence to Health Canada linking EMFs to adverse health effects that has been missing for decades. Following that reporting, I provided expert witness at the request of Canadian Parliaments Standing Committee on Health. As the Chief of an international science advisory board of 14,000 members, causation was qualified for lecture for Continuing Medical Education credits. Medical professionals require education credits for ongoing medical licensing and that program was applicable to health professionals in North America. It is no longer a debate; it is medical education at the highest accredited level.
The following link is my response to Andy Shadrack, Director Area D of the Regional District Central Kootenay making two recommendations which include the BCUC suspending FortisBC proceedings. The diagrams by BC Hydro of their grid substantiate causation, how humans, buildings, infrastructure and ecosystems will be hit by highly penetrating RF EMFs. Page 4 of the above link supporting suspension of FortisBC’s smart meter program shows what happens when causal evidence is missing but utilities and industries are allowed to proceed with mass deployment of wireless. The picture top left of page 4 shows a Sam Phantom model used for testing the limits of human exposure. Cell phone manufacturers must submit their phones for testing and you can see the bracket on the test model where the cell phone is held away from head as per manufacturer specs.
The links I am going to provide are important as are the links within the documents. There is nothing personal and it takes a lot of work to qualify science missing for decades.
This link is to a document sent to the City of Kelowna after FortisBC manager Mark Warren wrote an article on the safety of smart meters.
FortisBC is a publicly traded company and their management put them in a position of unrealized liability. My job as the governments and utility’s electrical expert is to report that to FortisBC CEO or I could be liable for not doing my job. This is the link to the letter sent to FortisBC CEO. Follow all links, it is all science and required education.
The Reconsideration to be filed with the BCUC has to prove an error was made by the BCUC. The BCUC was so technically overwhelmed, the errors are blatant and negligent. The BCUC summary of my participation in the hearings was dismissive and ridiculous. FortisBC’s own experts admitted causation and biological plausibility was missing in their risk assessment report for FortisBC. They were under oath during my cross examination.
The Reconsideration for the BCUC to reverse the FortisBC application for wireless smart meter will be emailed to the BCUC’s office first thing tomorrow morning. I will have a copy emailed to you as well. It is really important that professionals that want to dispute this have to technically disqualify me and represent that ridiculous plastic head or potato as science on safety.
I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience to answer any questions.
Professor Curtis Bennett
Chief, International Science Advisory Board for IHF(14,000 members)
Adjunct Professor for Accredited Medical Education For CME Credits
Thermal Radiation Consultant for 39 Years
Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal)
Building Construction Engineering Technologist
Ph: 604-239-2694
Curtis Bennett's Comment
The Reconsideration to the BCUC to reverse FortisBC's smart meter program will be waiting for them first thing in the morning.
his document is dated July 1, 2018 which is Canada Day. The FortisBC document for the BCUC dated July 4, 2018 which is Independence Day in the United States.
Wireless exposure isn't a debate. it is illegal and extremely dangerous. There is no margin of error and the reason industries were warned of the liability.
This is applicable to global jurisdictions; your elected officials were not informed by Canada's ex Prime Minister Harper and he didn't inform PM Trudeau.
Editor's Note
Share this article with your utilities, especially BC Hydro and media, including health reporting.

Reconsideration for the BC Utilities Commission on FortisBC application for smart meters will succeed. Criteria is did BCUC make error(yes, plastic head isn't science)
— Professor Curtis Bennett (@RealThermoguy) July 14, 2018
Courts will be able to stop smart meter programs globally based on jurisdictional conflicts and liability.
'Re: Immediate Suspension of B.C. Smart Meter Programs, Damage is Measurable By the Second' @RealThermoguy @IBEW #Health #Hazard #cdnpoli #EMF #RadioFrequency #RadioFrequencyRadiation #Microwaves #GHz #radiation #policy #HumanRights #humanity #journalists
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) July 12, 2018
The BC Utilities Commission provided legal avenues to reverse 2 BC smart meter programs, all provinces, states and countries will follow suit because of liability. No margin of error
— Professor Curtis Bennett (@RealThermoguy) July 5, 2018

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