Provocation study using heart rate variability shows microwave radiation from
DECT phone affects autonomic nervous system

Everything above Absolute Zero(-273 deg C or -496 deg F). is thermal.
Professionals Speaking Over Expertise on EMF Exposure Undermines Universities, Medicine, All Jurisdictions Creating Catastrophic Liability Regardless of Intent

'The fact the language using thermal and non thermal is even used is garbage. It is all thermal above Absolute Zero(-273 deg C or -496 deg F).'

Barrie Trower

Dr. Olle Johansson

Dr. David O. Carpenter

University at Albany
David O. Carpenter is a public health physician who received his MD degree from Harvard Medical School. He chose a career of research and public health rather than clinical practice.

Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy

Martin L. Pall

Samuel Milham, MD, Mph
Dr. Milham warns that because of the recent proliferation of radio frequency radiation from cell phones and towers, terrestrial antennas, Wi-Fi and Wi-max systems, broadband internet over power lines, and personal electronic equipment, we may be facing a looming epidemic of morbidity and mortality.
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