Protect Your Health from Electromagnetic Radiation
The petition
Protect yourself from the risks of electromagnetic radiation ( EMR ) supporting the report's recommendations BioInitiative ( Relating to EMR exposure limits.
The " EMR Policy Institute offers this petition to approve the recommendations of the scientific consortium BioInitiative. We seek the support of other agencies whose missions require a responsible public health policy for children, workers and the general public, both at their place of work at the place of residence. We also seek the approval of individuals to demand a comprehensive security policy more severe towards the REM as defined in the document: "Report BioInitiative: A rationale for public standards for exposure to electromagnetic fields (ELF and RF ) based on biological aspects.
In support of this petition, declaration of support BioInitiative published September 17, 2007 by European Environmental Agency (EEA ) summarizes the importance of BioInitiative and security actions against the thresholds recommended by REM.
We, the undersigned, find that limits current government does not protect the public from adverse health effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR ) from devices such as power lines, mobile phones, wireless Internet devices and their associated antennas, Satellite broadcast TV and FM antennas and radar.
Most of the existing limits on this form of radiation are 1 to 4000 times too lenient to prudently protect individuals against adverse health effects such as : Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases, reproductive problems, sleep disturbances, learning and memory, diminished capacity for cellular repair, interference with the immune system, cancer and electromagnetic hypersensitivity.
Based on scientific evidence put forward in " BioInitiative Report: A Rationale for a public standards for exposure to electromagnetic fields (ELF and RF ) based on the biological aspects "and many additional publications, we recommend that are established the following limits of electromagnetic radiation:
I. Extremely - low frequency (ELF ) . Power lines , appliances , electrical wiring and other internal devices emitting ELF:
A. Houses, schools and places where children spend large amounts of time: 1 milligauss * ( 1 mG ) for new construction; 1 milligauss ( 1 mG ) for all existing occupied space to be rearranged.
B. All other construction: 2 milligauss ( 2mg ).
* A milligauss is a measure of ELF field strength used to describe the magnetic fields of devices, power lines, electrical wiring, interior, etc. . (abbreviated mG ). As the power density of high frequency RF fields can be described in mW / cm ² or the corresponding electric field in V / m, the parameter most easily measured for the ELF is the magnetic field.
II. Long -term radiation (cumulative) * radio frequency (RF):
A. External pulse waves such as mobile phone masts, radar antennas, transmit antennas TV and FM antennas Wireless Internet: tenth of a microwatt per centimeter squared or 0.614 volts per meter. * (0.1 mW / cm ² or 0614 V / m).
* The power density of radiation of radio frequency ( RF) is measured in microwatts per square centimeter or volts per meter, abbreviated ( mW / cm ² ) or (V / m). Radio frequency radiation is used in relation to emissions from broadcasting equipment, radar and wireless communications, and describing ambient RF in the environment. United States and Canada, for example, the amount of allowable RF near mobile phone antenna is a thousand microwatts per square centimeter (1000 mW/cm2 ) for certain frequencies used in telephony.
B. Radiation of radio frequency ( RF) inside mobile phones, wireless Internet equipment and radiation that pass through buildings from external sources: hundredth of a microwatt per centimeter squared or 0.194 volts per meter (0.01 mW / cm ² or 0.194 V / m).
Typically, the power density of RF sources such as external high frequency UHF television or mobile phone masts reduced by a factor of ten when they go through buildings. Signals at lower frequencies such as VHF TV and FM are not as severely attenuated than higher frequencies.
Future research might show that these recommended levels are not protective enough, therefore the legislature should remain open to what they can be lowered to reflect new scientific evidence.
Statement in support of the European Environmental Agency:
Risk assessment of radiation devices of everyday life, September 17, 2007: / highlights / radiation -risk -from -everyday -devices - Assessed
A new report raising concerns about the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on human health calls for tougher safety standards to regulate radiation from mobile phones, power lines and many other sources of exposure in daily life. The "Report BioInitiative: a justification for public standards for exposure to electromagnetic fields (ELF and RF) based on the biological aspects. "Was compiled by the Working Group BioInitiative, an international consortium of scientists, researchers and professionals in public health policy. The EEA has contributed to this new report with a chapter from the EEA study, " Late lessons from early warnings: the precautionary principle 1896-2000.
The EEA study reviews the history of selected public and environmental risks, such as asbestos, benzene and PCBs, since the first early warnings based on science regarding nuisances potential to measures of precaution and prevention have been taken. Case studies on smoking and lead in gasoline in the pipeline.
Although the EEA has no specific expertise in EMF, the case studies of public risks discussed in this publication show that harmful exposures can be widespread before the evidence exists of harm from exposure to long term, and a biological understanding of how this disease is caused.
" There are many examples of non-use of the precautionary principle in the past that have led to serious and often irreversible damage on human health and the environment. Appropriate and proportionate precautionary measures now to avoid credible threats of serious and potentially EMF health are likely in future to be regarded as prudent and wise. We must remember that precaution is a principle of environmental policy in the European Union, " says Professor Jacqueline McGlade , EEA Executive Director .
According to the Scientific Working Group BioInitiative, current evidence, although limited, are strong enough to challenge the scientific basis of the current limits of exposure to EMR.

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