Missing Mechanisms of Interaction, Mechanisms of Action, Causation & Biological Plausibility Linking EMFs To Adverse Health Effects, Building & 

Missing Mechanisms of Interaction, Mechanisms of Action, Causation & Biological Plausibility Linking EMFs To Adverse Health Effects, Building & Infrastructure Damage, Crop Failures, Economic Failure, Climate Change, National Security Emergency For EVERY Country

Infrastructure Damage, Crop Failures, Economic Failure, Climate Change, National Security Emergency For EVERY Country

I cannot apologize enough for what has happened to people in the microwave oven; it never should have happened. These EMFs will not discriminate who they kill and there will be no elite that have a place to hide.
~ Curtis Bennett


By Curtis Bennett


February 13, 2018

This is a post for people, professionals, elected officials, industries, insurers, lawyers, academia, medicine, unions, all sciences, construction, religion and literally everyone on the planet. This isn’t a debate and any group or professionals wanting to dispute this has to prove electricity does not exist. On top of that they need to defend a plastic body part with liquid in it used for the limits of human exposure as science when it should be an aquarium.

Health Canada, FCC and IEEE all use the same garbage “science” standards making this applicable globally. Governments, utilities and industries were warned about moving forward with a very dangerous technology as applied when exposure codes admitted critical science was missing.

This post will not link any health studies or reporting on health effects because it is specifically the causal evidence and mechanisms linking EMFs to adverse health effects that had been missing for decades.

All applicable professionals including academia have to expand on this in their capacity and failure to do so will bring unrealized consequences with liability. Global exposure codes state that despite the 1000s of articles on health effects, causation and biological plausibility was not understood .

Professor John Orr of West Polytech in Worcester was interviewed on RF EMFs but would not take questions from outside callers. The radio host asked Orr if microwaves were dangerous? His reply was yes “if you were inside the microwave oven or the microwave was leaking.(meaning exposure to microwave EMFs). Orr didn’t understand Worcester and beyond were inside the microwave oven.

The RF EMFs used by your microwave for heating food or drink are the same RF EMFs used for wireless communication. The bottom line is you are in the microwave oven and in the wireless electrical circuit. The bigger plan is for the entire planet to be in a man made microwave oven for ease of communication with wireless devices. The qualified problem is there is nothing on the planet electrically compatible with these RF EMFs except the end use device. When you think of electrical compatibility, keep it simple in that your car battery can not be put in your flashlight.

Google and Uber for one example are competing for driverless cars. Big rigs will be wireless in time and the point is there will be no consumers, profit with these companies killing their own. The EMF coverage will kill all humans and biology without exception.

Google as another example has created a man-made microwave oven from 59,500 feet(11.3 miles) so Puerto Rico can have Wi-Fi and email. Imagine a microwave oven 11.3 miles in height. Meteorologists have not been informed of this catastrophic heating of the atmosphere the entire planet shares. The high speed oscillations of the man-made microwave oven will heat the atmosphere over the EMF coverage area. That heats the atmosphere causing climate change and contributing to  hurricanes that devastated Puerto Rico. Separate from that, the population of Puerto Rico is inside a man-made microwave oven so they can get emails. The health effects include the nervous, hormonal and immune systems being compromised. Are those compromising health effects contributing to flu severity and lives lost?

The unprecedented global emergency is because the Specific Absorption Rate(SAR) and the test using the plastic head with liquid has been used to supersede all jurisdictions, all laws, all sciences when it isn’t applicable or science. The SAR name itself is an admission of exposure and harm.

When asked if this would be like tobacco and illegal in time, imagine a baby smoking from conception. The Government of Canada revised Safety Code 6 and in that revision have determined pregnant women and children are ok with 24/7 electromagnetic radiation exposure. That isn’t definable as sustainable in the Auditor General Act.

People are NOT electro hypersensitive(EHS) when hit by these EMFs; missing science created that diagnosis. Here is a quote from page 7 of Safety Code 6(2009):
“The specific biological responses to RF energy are generally related to the rate of energy absorbed. The rate and distribution of RF energy absorption depends strongly on the frequency, intensity and orientation of the incident fields as well as the body size and its constitutive properties (dielectric constant and conductivity).”

Causation and biological plausibility linking RF EMFs to adverse health effects was found, reported and qualified for lecture for Continuing Medical Education credits required for ongoing medical licensing. That CME program was applicable to health professionals in North America but should be applicable to the world now. There is no higher educational standard and global medical professionals have been undermined. Jurisdictions and academia across the globe should be contacting the admin at the Integrative Health Forum(IHF Global) and associates to facilitate accredited medical education programs. It is the most advanced medical education program in the world and there are no sales or conflicts of interest. The health education admin is open to the idea of having different professions or public attend the amazing 2 day program BUT they have stated this forum is medical education now and not a debate.

The last 4 weeks have been a brain drain putting together documents that will be applicable to every person, industry, academia and jurisdictions globally. Courts will have the causal evidence needed and the FCC, Health Canada as well as IEEE will have to defend the plastic head and potatoes representing biology. The document for government jurisdictions will be sent to them on February 13, 2018 and made available to the public on February 14, 2018. For those that think this isn’t a big deal, what do you think President Trump will do when he hears his own investments have been undermined by a plastic head or potato as science?

Here is a picture of the test used for limits of human exposure and what the FCC and others will have to defend. Boeing Engineers used potatoes for Wi-Fi safety on aircraft.
Sam Phantom Model
Specific Absorption Rate Test with Temperature Probe in Liquid
The document that will be released will provide lawyers and courts the background they need to do their job without people spending 100s of 1000s of dollars while lawyers learn about electricity. Ken Mack and his wife had several people die on their properties because of the EMFs. They spent over $200,000 dollars but couldn’t proceed because their legal team required the causal evidence. That causal evidence is in the document.
I cannot apologize enough for what has happened to people in the microwave oven; it never should have happened. These EMFs will not discriminate who they kill and there will be no elite that have a place to hide.

In 39 years of doing work that included taking on technical problems the whole world missed, I never thought our team would be doing documents electrically qualifying end of life.

Wireless communication is electromagnetic radiation inducing electrical currents and that changes all sciences globally.

Former Professor Curtis Bennett


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