Heath Effects of Smart Meters and the Smart Grid

Kaye Beach and Howard Houchen
"Sounding the Alarm about
Smart Meters and the Smart Grid
with Curtis Bennett"
02-01-13 AxXiom for Liberty
Posted on February 2, 2013 by axxiomforlibertyKaye and Howard speak with Curtis Bennett about the Heath effects of Smart Meters and the Smart Grid and take calls. The entire show will be dedicated to covering some of the most pressing concerns about smart meters and the smart grid.
Curtis Bennett is the founder of Thermografix Consulting. He is a Red Seal Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician with 30 years’ experience as an electrical engineer. Curtis is a professional troubleshooter in high demand by other professionals including insurers, medical associations, lawyers, government agencies and other corporations. He is the world’s foremost authority on applying infrared technologies at the molecular level.
Curtis has testified as an expert witness before Canadian Parliament and was part of Texas Public Utilities Commission’s expert panel for their public hearings on smart meters and provided written testimony for the Texas Senate Committee on smart meters as well as addressing many other courts and governments on this issue throughout the North American continent.
On Oct 27, 2009 President Obama announced that the Department of Energy awarded $3.4 billion in stimulus money to 100 smart-grid projects. The Dept. of Energy estimated that the awards will result 18 million homes getting the smart meters which will allow for the conversion to the Smart Grid.
What is a “smart” meter?
“Smart” Meters are digital utility meters that send customers’ detailed usage information to the utility using a radio-frequency transmitter (or over the power lines in the case of Powerline Carrier (PLC) systems. The meter also contains other capabilities, such as remote shut-off. They are part of a larger plan to change the electricity grid to a “smart” grid–though there is controversy about whether the customer meter is actually crucial to that change. Electric smart meters are replacing older analog style meters. . .Read more from Stop Smart Meters.
The installation of smart meters has raised a variety of concerns. Privacy, health and safety, and security are among the most prominent concerns. Most states do not provide a provision to allow citizens to refuse the smart meters by opting out and keeping their analog meters. Battles are taking place all over this country as people refuse the installation of smart meter devices on their homes. In many instances, the smart meters have been installed against the wishes of the home owner or renter by stealth or deception.
In some cases, law enforcement has been used to install the smart meters against the wishes of the resident by force.
Naperville Police Force Smart Meters- Arrest Two Mothers; Community Reels- and Reacts
Smart Meter Battle Escalating – Idaho Power Brings Guns to the Fight
Curtis Bennett
Our first guest expert, Curtis Bennett has an impressive set of credentials.
Curtis Bennett is a Chief Science Officer, Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician (Red Seal), an Engineering Technologist and Adjunct Faculty for IHF & GEDI. He has a 33 year advanced Thermography background and is the world’s foremost authority on applying infrared technologies at the molecular level. He has testified as an expert witness before Canadian Parliament and was part of Texas Public Utilities Commission’s expert panel for their public hearings on smart meters and provided written testimony for the Texas Senate Committee on smart meters as well as addressing many other courts and governments on this issue throughout the North American continent.
Here is Mr. Bennett’s testimony for the Texas Senate:
You can access more of Curtis Bennett’s research and writings at www.thermoguy.com/blog.
Mr. Bennett explains that safety standards for smart meters only considered the actual meter which is an end use device. They left out the routers, collectors as well as other wireless infrastructure that interacts with human biological systems. That only the possible heating effects of the smart meters in proximity to a person was considered in the safety standards, according to Mr. Bennett is a fatal and unacceptable flaw.
With all the discussion on wireless safety it is very important people understand the real dangers of wireless exposure and the science that was missing linking the frequencies to health problems. Read more http://www.thermoguy.com/blog/index.php?itemid=112
Mr. Bennett will walk us through established science and explain the known and potential harms presented by the roll out of the smart grid and demonstrate why that the entire coverage area of smart meters amounts to a “biological killing field”. Mr. Bennett advises that the adverse effects of smart meters/grid encompasses more than just human health and extend to all biological systems but also building structure integrity and more.

Choose from the linked page: A4L_2013-02-01_64k.mp3 or A4L_2013-02-01_16k.mp3.

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