Health Canada Not Reporting Error or Omission in Safety Code 6 or Recommendations of Committee

By Curtis Bennett
February 3, 2011
Health Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K9
Att: Health Minister
cc: Environment Commissioner, MP Ron Cannan, Health Canada’s Standing Committee, IBEW, Safe Schools, Premiers
Re: Safety Code 6 Oversight Recommendations of Standing Committee on Health
Dear Minister Aglukkaq;
Safety Code 6 is the scientific standard used around the world for human exposure to radio-frequency emfs. Provinces refer to Health Canada for safety standards.
A significant error or omission in Safety Code 6 was reported to your office and by witness for Canadian Parliament’s Standing Committee on Health in October 2010. The Recommendations of The Standing Committee in December, 2010 included Health Canada investigating the oversight reported in Safety Code 6.
Health Canada and provinces can qualify the error and omission through their existing provincial electrical standards. Electromagnetic induction on a bare conductor(human) running at their own frequency brings on a host of electrical problems for the unprotected including the heat effect. Safety Code 6 says the electromagnetic induction is to be avoided because experimental studies have shown nerve and muscle depolarization. Depolarization is part of the natural process but you don’t want it initiated because of emf induction.
As an example Wi Fi in schools violates Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 because the very fast frequency interaction with the unprotected children is causing electromagnetic induction associated with nerve and muscle depolarization or a heat effect.
Wi Fi is only installed for cost convenience or profit because radiating an entire area is cheaper than construction/electrical costs to install it safely. Wired computer stations deliver data faster, safer and sustainable while providing real economy while advancing technology in education.
Has Health Canada followed the recommendations of the committee and forwarded the oversight to recognized testing agencies or electrical certification? Why isn’t Health Canada sharing the significant oversight with provinces? Every day of radiation is producing adverse health effects as reported by Health Canada with unrealized costs with the domino effect.
The dangers of radio frequency interaction with humans including the oversight in Safety Code 6 were just lectured in U.S. Medical Education where doctors and other health professionals get education credits they need for licensing. That makes the dangers and the oversight medical education, not just an opinion. As a professional with national and provincial credentials provided by government, I am again reporting this as a national emergency.
Curtis Bennett
President Thermografix Consulting Corporation
Letter Cross-Posted
January 20, 2011
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