Re: Critical Information Regarding Council’s Conduct Regarding
5G & Proposed
Against Mark Steele

August 6, 2018
Gateshead Council
Civic Center
Regent Street
Corporate Services and Governance
Att: Mike Barker, Strategic Director
Re: Critical Information Regarding Council’s Conduct Regarding 5G & Proposed
Injunction Against Mark Steele
Dear Mr. Barker:
It has come to my attention that the Gateshead Council is seeking an Injunction against
Mark Steele speaking against 5G. I was asked to respond in my qualified capacity and in
the best interests of all parties.
I can not summarize the 15,000 hours of objective investigation that went into wireless
EMFs as applied, it is important council hold me accountable. Mark Steele should be
applauded for stepping up for his community, countrymen, Royal Family, Queen’s assets
and international community against this extremely dangerous technology as applied.
Radio Frequency EMFs or wireless technology is considered innovative but that
consideration happened because critical science was admitted to be missing in exposure
codes globally. Causation and biological plausibility linking RF EMFs to adverse health
effects was admitted to be missing.
This isn’t a debate and your council is relying on a plastic head with liquid in it to
supersede all sciences and jurisdictions including medicine.
Due to the fact I was a Registered Intervener in FortisBC application for wireless meters,
I was provided the legal avenue by the BCUC to reverse 2 smart meter programs in BC,
Canada. That will have a domino effect globally.
Covering the planet with 5G will kill the planet and unrealized hell is coming. The UK
and others should be horrified exposure codes admit they are inducing electrical current
into people. There is no acceptable induction of current into a baby or adult.
The Reconsideration to reverse smart meter programs will be filed in Canada tomorrow
and shared with the UK as well as others. Your council may want to defend 5G but it is
indefensible. You can NOT put populations, buildings, infrastructure, ecosystems and
atmosphere inside a man made microwave oven. There is nothing on the planet
electrically compatible with these EMFs except portable devices. Here are the
Reconsideration criteria by the BC Government. It has to be proven the BCUC made an
error or exceeded jurisdictions to which both apply.
Our jurisdictions and special interests in Canada have fought hard to defend their illegal
investment, unfortunately they get to be liable now. Here is a letter that went to City of
Kelowna and Council after FortisBC published an article of smart meter safety.
It is critical you follow all links. http://thermoguy.com/wp-content/uploads/Responseto-FortisBCs-Daily-Courier-Article-Advances-Meters-are-Safe-and-Smart.pdf
This link is to a letter that went to FortisBC CEO. warning the CEO of a publicly traded
company’s liability in my qualified capacity as their recognized expert.
This link is to the document calling for the immediate suspension of BC Hydro’s smart
meter program. BC Hydro can defend the plastic head or disqualify electricity exists. The
Auditor General of Canada and Lt. Governor representing the Queen’s assets will not be
technically overwhelmed by the plastic head. http://thermoguy.com/re-immediatesuspension-of-b-c-smart-meter-programs-damage-is-measurable-by-the-second/
This link is specific to your council, health professionals and the MPs who are being lazy
and negligent in the representation of the public on wireless. Constituents with valid
health complaints are literally being tortured by these EMFs and told they are within the
guidelines of PHE. Do you really have guidelines for how long you can put a baby in a
microwave? Your [Public Health England] PHE has guidelines for EMF exposure that can be confirmed trigger nerves and muscles, compromises nervous, hormonal and immune systems at the same time, induces current, changes cellular voltages, changes frequencies in the brain and body, high speed oscillations billions of times per measurable second, etc.
Your entire health system has been compromised from top to bottom,. The entire scope of
medical diagnosis has changed except no one informed or consulted medicine globally.
What is malpractice insurance and liability for populations misdiagnosed? The domino
effect is across industries including education has changed. It is a national and
international security issue that can be qualified.
The link is a letter from international health education administration about the accredited
medical education program that lectured the missing causal evidence linking RF EMFs to
adverse health effects. Your health professionals and PHE can see the accreditation for
education credits required for ongoing medical licensing. That program was applicable
to health professionals in North America. The contact information for the administrator is
there and PHE should be contacting the admin to have an accredited medical program in
the UK. There are no conflicts of interest and the health admin can answer any questions
pertaining to content or faculty. It is the most advanced medical education in the world.
I want to bring the important submission to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission to
your attention. I was asked to do a submission by constituents in Ontario, Canada
regarding an aging Nuclear Power Plants license extension.
The Commission’s responses have been political and negligent; the Auditor General of
Canada and the Lt, Governor representing the Queen’s assets won’t accept that. The UK
has nuclear power and the buildings as well as infrastructure are not designed to
accommodate highly penetrating EMFs. The mechanism of interaction by EMFs requires
a qualified electrical interpretation first. Once Civil Engineers understand the mechanism
if interaction, the mechanisms of action are the atoms and molecules of the engineer’s
The links above contain precedent setting causal evidence, biological plausibility and
critical errors admitted to be missing under oath by FortisBC experts for the BCUC
application. FortisBC engineer Mark Warren called the mechanisms of interaction a
hypothesis because he isn’t electrically qualified in any opinion. Dr. Yakov Shkolnikov
confirmed the mechanisms of interaction as an electrical engineer.
Exponent Inc.’s expert witnesses for FortisBC admitted in direct cross examination by me
that 100% of all bioelectrical information was left out of their risk assessment report for
Fortis. The plastic head doesn’t have or represent biology.
The only design to stop EMFs is an MRI chamber.
I can’t apologize to the UK and other countries enough. Our jobs as the government’s
professionals are to report to and through our authorities having jurisdiction. Those
authorities including the Prime Ministers didn’t do their jobs.
Canada’s Ambassador to the UK Gordon Campbell didn’t do his job.
The US plan is to mass install 300,000 mini towers for the 5G grid. Killing your
taxpayers, crops, economy and losing the tax base is a national and international security
issue. President Trump doesn’t know what the previous political interests did. Mr Obama
legacy will include the first African American President to put all races in a mad made
microwave oven; Trump is making the ovens bigger.
The world shares one atmosphere, 300,000 mini towers affect every country. Heating the
atmosphere from space has consequences like extreme weather unlike any seen, fires,
floods, droughts, etc. and it is already happening.
Gateshead Council should stop the Injunction application through the courts immediately.
The plastic head and potato used by Boeing for Wi-Fi safety on aircraft is indefensible.
Your buildings, infrastructure, etc is not designed to be in microwave ovens. The
oscillations of atoms and molecules 180 degrees 1.8 billion times per second, 86,400
times a day is one antenna, Wi-Fi was 4.9 billion times per second.
The judge isn’t aware that 5G and those involved have exceeded jurisdiction. Mark Steele
is actually trying to save council from themselves and the constituents they represent.
This will be copied to Mark Steele and judge where I will provide the required expert
witness on the topic for Gateshead, Mark and the courts.
This isn’t going to be popular with any council or industry, the real trade offs are liability
without insurance plus criminal liability. If I didn’t state what I am in my qualified
capacity, I would be liable and undermine Gateshead council which isn’t an option.
I look forward to answering any questions or challenges.
Professor Curtis Bennett
Chief, International Science Advisory Board for IHF(14,000 members)
Adjunct Professor for Accredited Medical Education For CME Credits
Thermal Radiation Consultant for 39 Years
Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal)
Building Construction Engineering Technologist
Ph: 604-239-2694
Copyright © 2018 Thermoguy. All rights reserved.
Adjunct Professor Curtis Bennett

Gateshead Council's Reckless and negligent, technically overwhelmed by a plastic head. Injunction against Mark Steele on 5G when Mark is warning of real danger and liability that can be qualified. https://t.co/1AM4NZXJHy
— Professor Curtis Bennett (@RealThermoguy) August 6, 2018
How long can they put your baby in a microwave for?
Re: Critical Information Regarding Council’s Conduct Regarding 5G & Proposed Injunction Against Mark Steele #Gateshead #CellPhone #PhoneMasts #Microwaves #SmartMeter #5G #EMF #Radiation #WiFi #Wireless #Policy #HealthRisks #CrimesAgainstHumanity #WarCrimes https://t.co/wtaaEBn7uu pic.twitter.com/n1ibR2XJza
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) August 6, 2018

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