FortisBC Wireless Smart Meters Causing Loss of Entire Tax Base With Buildings No Longer Compliant With BC Building Codes

FortisBC Wireless Smart Meters Causing Loss of Entire Tax Base With Buildings No Longer Compliant With BC Building Codes

No jurisdiction is exempt;
the plastic head and potatoes on airplanes isn't science.
Lenders would not finance these buildings.

~ Curtis Bennett


By Curtis Bennett


October 13, 2023

From: Curtis Bennett 
Date: Fri, Oct 13, 2023 at 1:15 PM Pacific Time
Subject: FortisBC Wireless Smart Meters Causing Loss of Entire Tax Base With Buildings No Longer Compliant With BC Building Codes
To: <>

Attention Mayor and Council,

It is with all the required humility that I contact you in my qualified capacity regarding wireless meters or communication as applied. 

I was a registered intervener for the West Kootenay Concerned Citizens(WKCC) in FortisBC's application for wireless smart meters. There is a defined electrical connection where the utility's jurisdiction ends and qualified electrical professionals begin.

FortisBC mass installed electrical meters when they had no jurisdiction to cross the property line and touch the meter base. Meters were pulled under load by people not qualified to touch electrical.

Here is a link to the British Columbia Utilities Commission proceedings where the proceedings provide the evidence. I cross examined FortisBC's experts for 3.5 hours, FortisBC chose not to cross examine me when they should have been forced to. FortisBC choosing not to cross examine me was based on my cross examination disqualifying their experts.

EMFs cycle by the second, damage can be measured by the second 24 hours per day. Applicable to every province, every Utilities Commission. It isn't by luck our team initiated the evacuation of 30,000 when the forest fire interfaced with Kelowna in August, 2003. Chief Zimmerman missing in action and declined to speak with me. Sharon Shepherd sat behind me at the Filmon Fire Commission and congratulated me as did reporters. Premier Gordon Campbell's Office edited the fire inquiry and I was deleted from proceedings. Campbell's Office said the equipment came unplugged when I presented so I was deleted.

There are solutions for FortisBC and others. AC is a big energy waste using thousands of watts per hour per building. AC is in fact refrigeration responding to exteriors of buildings solar exposure on absorbent exteriors. 


Curtis Bennett
Chief Science Officer
Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal)
Building Construction Engineering Technologist
Adjunct Faculty for IHF & GEDI
44 Year Advanced Thermal Radiation Background
I do NOT use a cell phone
“Bringing the Invisible to Light Since 1979”
Wireless Communication is Electromagnetic Radiation Inducing Electrical Current, Changing ALL Sciences

Copyright © 2024 Thermoguy. All rights reserved.


Former Professor Curtis Bennett


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