Smart Meters Will Not Reduce GHG Emissions, Save Energy and Vehicle Emissions COULD Be Reduced Immediately With No More Deaths of Children Or Pets in Vehicles During Heat Waves
Professor Curtis Bennett's Comment on
'E.P.A. Accuses Fiat Chrysler of Secretly Violating Emissions Standards'

Curtis Bennett commented on an article
January 12, 2017, 13:08
The New York Times
'As one of the governments and industries trained and certified energy professionals, our job is energy and associated emissions. In the UN Meeting on Climate Change last year we had provided science to ex Prime Minister Harper showing massive emissions and wasted natural resources were used responding to symptoms. It would remove the massive electrical waste off electrical grids immediately while creating millions of tax paying jobs immediately.
Ex PM Harper worked for the political party first and didn't pass on the info to the UN or share it with the new Prime Minister Trudeau. As a real and direct result, Canadian buildings are grossly exceeding their Regional Climatic Data provided through Building Codes by Environment Canada. The domino effect is the mass installation of wireless smart meters which will not save 1 watt of energy while creating 100s of billions in liability.
I contacted Volkswagen after their emission's testing and told them they could reduce vehicle emissions without touching the engine. A further benefit would be there would be no more deaths of babies, children or pets left in vehicles on a hot day.
No response from auto manufacturers when it is applicable to ALL of them and governments not doing their jobs. Job creation in North America.
Chrysler has the same problem that could be addressed without re-engineering the vehicle at big costs. Meeting and exceeding emission's standards without re-inventing the wheel.
The costs and more emissions are harmful environmentally and are inside babies before they take their first breath.'

'... reduce vehicle emissions w/o touching engine + no more deaths of babies, children, pets in vehicles on hot day'
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) January 13, 2017
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