Electrocution at the Subtle Energy Level Awareness formerly called Electrical Hypersensitivity (EHS) &
"Not Just Hyper Sensitive"
Federation Antennas Relays

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity: A problem that affects all.
(Politicians are distracted by other!)
No Sam Phantom "Plastic Head" Model
[Excerpt, paragraphs 4 to 8 of 'EMFs & RF EMFs Interfere With Pacemakers'
by Adjunct Professor Curtis Bennett]
"It is very important readers understand the science supporting the safety of wireless exposure uses a test that is not applicable science. Here is a picture of a Sam Phantom Model used for testing limits of human exposure, can you see why exposure codes admit causality and biological plausibility is missing linking RF EMFs to adverse health effects?
This is the test cell phone manufacturers have to submit their phone to. Can you see the red arrow highlighting the phone? The white arrow highlights the hole in the top of the head where a temperature probe measure temperature changes in liquid inside the head. If no heat is detected, it is called non thermal effects.
Besides the plastic head not having anything to do with biology, there were no antennas incorporated into the test. That is the equivalent of investigating a toaster that isn’t plugged in electrocuting people.
When it came to Wi-Fi exposure, the same test is used and any harm is dismissed because the laptop and other portable devices aren’t held against the head like a cell phone. 24/7 exposure is deemed safe when the routers or antennas completing the wireless circuit were left out.
When it came to smart meter exposure, the same test is used and any harm is dismissed because people aren’t putting the meter against the head like a cell phone."

"Not Just Hyper Sensitive"
[Excerpt, paragraphs 11 & 12 of 'Smart Meter Fires & Installation'
by Adjunct Professor Curtis Bennett ]
"...There is nothing on planet earth compatible with those EMFs except wireless devices. The real damage is horrific and ecocide is the applicable word. Making it worse, government allowed utilities to bypass all regulatory process when it takes years for code changes. No one told engineers insured for errors and omissions that the plastic head or Specific Absorption Rate left out the grid and blanket radiation as well as all bio-electrical information. No one informed biologists, any sciences or academia that cellular voltages were increased or that the RF EMF were expanding and collapsing inside bodies and buildings billions of times per measurable second, 3600 times per hour, 86,400 times per day, 2,592,000 times per month. Health Canada officials that allowed for 24/7 radiation dosages to an egg, fetus, baby, child, vulnerable people, interfering with pacemakers, etc need to be investigated and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Police forces, fire and military personnel need to know that your own members and family are subtly being electrocuted as well. They are not just hyper sensitive and what would police do if some one was tasing a person 24/7.
I am a government and industry trained and certified professional with national credentials provided by provincial as well as the federal government. I am accountable for my qualified opinion, the peer reviewed science is called electricity and engineering..."
Parent’s success in stopping WiFI installation at Australian school
November 5, 2015
An Australian mum has been successful in preventing installation of WiFi at her child’s school and has worked with the school in drafting EMR precautionary measures by requesting compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and Article 9: Accessibility from the Conventions on the Rights of the Disabled to accommodate her child’s functional impairment.
She stated “My child has a sensitivity to EMR, specifically WiFi and Bluetooth elicit symptoms.” The school environment was very good already, to change that by installing WiFi would exclude the child’s access to the school. The first step she took was to register a compliment/complaint/ feedback form on the Dept of Education’s website she said. “I requested help to find a WiFi- free high school and stated my child’s health complaints and symptoms. Rather than sending an email which could get “lost” in the system, I chose to use the education department’s processes for registering my complaint regarding accessibility to schools.” Around the same time, the child’s school initiated the WiFi installation discussion again. This quickly led to further conversations with the school and district education officers covering both accessibility issues……

Posted by United Nations Human Rights on Saturday, 24 October 2015

They can't politicize electricity & put babies in microwave ovens. This isn't a debate. I have government credentials & a 39 year radiation background, I am reporting in my capacity. Schools will be sued for multi millions per child. This pic is the science backing their bold BS. pic.twitter.com/oEpJucfATi
— Professor Curtis Bennett (@RealThermoguy) June 24, 2018
Here is a picture of science Health Canada, FCC and IEEE use for the safety of wireless. It means if you are made of plastic, your safe. pic.twitter.com/Qyh0IjcrUI
— Curtis Bennett (@RealThermoguy) October 13, 2017
70y ago today, @UN Charter went into force. We reaffirm our faith in #humanrights & the equal dignity of all #UN70 pic.twitter.com/vzwGZSLUKg
— UN Human Rights (@UNrightswire) October 24, 2015
Functional impairment disability electrohypersensitivity: Family subtly electrocuted as well https://t.co/97SHkOmWB8 https://t.co/igi3d2k3wu
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) October 24, 2015
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