Curtis Bennett to Frank Clegg,, 2014 02 04
Causation linking the frequencies to adverse health effects

by Dr. Ivander Utama,F.MAS,SpOG
"If a fetus could talk
we would hear the little one screaming
for her/his life."
~ Professor Curtis Bennett,
February 13, 2019

----- Original Message -----
From: Thermoguy
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 9:55 PM
Subject: Causation linking the frequencies to adverse health effects
Hello Frank,
I am sending you an important email for the important fight on the wireless smart meters as applied. As difficult as it is to imagine, Safety Code 6 states causation and biological plausibility linking the frequencies to adverse health effects has been missing for decades. I am sending you a link showing you the science used for the limits of human exposure. It shows a Sam Phantom Model used for the Specific Absorption Rate and you will see why they are reporting there isn't a peer reviewed study showing harm. The model used for testing is a plastic head or body with liquid in it and a temperature probe in the top. It doesn't have any biological or electrical information associated with humans, a heart, brain, nerves, organs, frequencies, voltages, etc. Here is what went to the Worcester, MA Zoning Appeal Board where they are doing the state pilot project for smart meters. Due to efforts by many the smart grid project is on hold.
Causation was reported through municipal, provincial and federal governments by Government Certified Electrical Professionals. Following that, the dangers of the frequencies as applied was submitted and accepted for medical education credits required for ongoing medical licensing. Here is the link to the letter by medical education administration on the accredited medical program. I would suggest you contact them to see the applicability to Canada as well.
Education_Including_Wireless_Exposure.pdf Causation reported substantiates the bio-initiative reporting and others.
It was during the FortisBC application for smart meters that we found out why the BC Government wasn't responding to their credentialed professionals specific to the issue. BC Legislature "entrusted" BC Hydro and that allowed them to bypass all regulatory process. Neither the government or BC Hydro contacted education across the board, engineers, architects, electrical professionals, insurers, medicine, industries, municipalities, etc, etc. They can NOT do that, we are insured for this and the liability they have created is off the charts.
The C4ST needs to incorporate the right language when talking about the frequency interaction. We generate electricity by moving a conductor through an EMF, in this case the utility is providing the highly penetrating EMFs and humans as well as everything else are the conductors. It means people are being electrocuted and the reason we wire versus wireless.
contact me at your earliest convenience because the electrocution is
measurable by the second. How much electrocution can a fetus take?
"How much electrocution
can a fetus take?"
~ Professor
Curtis Bennett,
February 13, 2019

You have the law and science on your side, this needs to be in court tomorrow. Following that there need to be arrests of the politicians and professionals that did not do their jobs. That includes the Prime Minister's Office. People died and were hurt, his administration didn't do their job. The same would apply to me if I took shortcuts and hurt people. I am liable as others would be.
Curtis Bennett
Chief Science Officer
Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal)
Building Engineering Technologist
Adjunct Faculty For IHF & GEDI
33 Year Advanced Thermography Background
[PDF Source] 2014 02 04 Curtis Bennett to Frank Clegg,, 'Causation linking the frequencies to adverse health effects'

When there is a 911 related to electrical(EMFs), they call the experts which are electricians and other applicable electrical professionals. It isn't a miracle you talk on a cell phone, wi-fi or smart meter, the microwaves EMFs are an electromotive FORCE. In the wireless circuit.
— Professor Curtis Bennett (@RealThermoguy) February 18, 2019
Wireless means you are in the electrical circuit and not protected. How long can you put a baby in a microwave for? Health Canada amended code to allow for 24/7 exposure for a mom and baby.
— Professor Curtis Bennett (@RealThermoguy) February 13, 2019
Prof Curtis Bennett: 'Safety Code 6 states causation & biological plausibility linking the frequencies to adverse health effects has been missing for decades' 'the electrocution is measurable by the second. How much electrocution can a fetus take?' #RF #5G
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) February 12, 2019
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