Professor Curtis Bennett Here on Smart Meters,
Take Back Your Power and
Josh Del Sol Not Telling Mercola the Real Truth
While Take Back Your Power has important educational material for people and professionals to reference, Take Back Your Power is not representing that causation and biological plausibility linking RF EMFs to adverse health effects was found, reported and qualified for lecture for Continuing Medical Education credits required for ongoing medical licensing.
~ Curtis Bennett
Curtis Bennett email to Dr. Mercola forwarded to Dianne Knight of StayOnTheTruth
By Curtis Bennett
September 10, 2017
Sunday, September 10, 2017 at 10:10 AM
This media contact was to be used for those looking to interview Dr. Mercola but I am using this to provide important science to Dr. Mercola on wireless smart meters that he hasn't been made aware of. Dr. Mercola's work is important and misleading him on science undermines Mercola and people looking for help.
It is horrific what has happened with the mass deployment of wireless smart meters and associated grid. Technically it means anything in the RF EMF will be adversely affected including humans, ecosystems, building development, weather severity, forest fires. etc.
While Take Back Your Power has important educational material for people and professionals to reference, Take Back Your Power is not representing that causation and biological plausibility linking RF EMFs to adverse health effects was found, reported and qualified for lecture for Continuing Medical Education credits required for ongoing medical licensing. That CME program was applicable to health professionals in North America(so far).
Health Canada, FCC and IEEE all use the same science to substantiate safety of wireless as applied. Unfortunately that "science" is a plastic head or body part with liquid in it.
Dr. Mercola is not aware that the RF EMFs hitting people is adversely affecting their nervous, hormonal and immune systems at the same time. The EMFs as applied are changing frequencies in the brain and body as well as cellular voltages with the induced current of the EMFs. Take Back Your Power and others call it EHS or electrohypersensitivity and that isn't accurate. It is called EHS because so many impacted but cause was missing on explaining how the damage was done.
Exposure codes actually admit they are inducing electrical current into you and it is current that kills people. The scope of medical diagnosis has changed but no one informed medicine or the other sciences. Take Back Your Power isn't representing that accelerated corrosion of nuclear power plants is the reality requiring me to qualify that for the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. There are 440 Nuclear Power Plants world wide and there will be nuclear failure within borders. There is no margin of error.
Here is a link to the Facebook page of the group that puts on accredited CME programs for medical professionals. I am one of their faculty and Dr. Mercola needs to contact that administrator and ask candid questions.
Dr. Mercola doesn't know that medical diagnosis has changed with the mass deployment of wireless smart meters except medicine wasn't told. Take Back Your Power isn't reporting or including medical diagnosis has changed.
It is critically important Dr. Mercola be informed as he does not need his important work minimized. People are not hypersensitive, the correct electrical terminology would be electrocution.
Dr. Mercola will have candid questions that I look forward to answering for him and we are not lobbyists of any kind. We are specialized troubleshooters at different levels, one of those is the fact concussions can be seen before players are dead.
Thanks for your work.
Professor Curtis Bennett
Chief, International Science Advisory Board for IHF(14,000 members)
Adjunct Professor for Accredited Medical Education For CME Credits
Thermal Radiation Consultant for 38 Years
Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal)
Building Engineering Technologist
[PDF] Curtis Bennett email to Dr. Mercola forwarded to Dianne Knight of StayOnTheTruth
Related Page
Professor Curtis Bennett Here on Smart Meters, Take Back Your Power & Josh Del Sol Not telling Mercola the real truth. It is horrific what has happened with the mass deployment of wireless smart meters & associated grid. @RealThermoguy #EMF #SmartMeters
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) January 14, 2018
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