Critically Important Reconsideration Filed,
Re: FortisBC Application For Wireless Smart Meters, Ombudsperson Investigating

Critically Important Reconsideration Filed re FortisBC Application For Wireless Smart Meters, Ombudsperson Investigating

Wireless gives the illusion of savings but there are real important reasons we wire the world and not allow electromagnetic fields to be induced. It is the electric chair on low and the peer reviewed science is electricity.

~ Curtis Bennett


By Curtis Bennett


June 11, 2024

From: Curtis Bennett
Date: Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 1:20 PM
Subject: Critically Important Reconsideration Filed re FortisBC Application For Wireless Smart Meters, Ombudsperson Investigating
To: mayorandcouncil <>

Dear Mayor And Council,

I was a registered intervener for the West Kootenay Concerned Citizens(WKCC) in the FortisBC Application to the British Columbia Utilities Commission(BCUC) for wireless smart meters. I cross-examined FortisBC experts under oath for 3.5 hours, Fortis chose not to cross-examine me. Unfortunately the BCUC and commissioner were corrupt, rubber stamping FortisBC's application.

Wireless gives the illusion of savings but there are real important reasons we wire the world and not allow electromagnetic fields to be induced. It is the electric chair on low and the peer reviewed science is electricity. FortisBC experts admit to encapsulating Kelowna(17,000 sq. km) with these highly penetrating electromagnetic fields. The range of one antenna in a smart meter is 2-3 km adversely affecting neighbors as well as development. The original exposure code was based on 6 minutes for a 200 lb man, how much does a baby or baby in the womb weigh?

Dr. John Orr radiated chicken eggs that hatch in 60 days. The chicks were mutated by EMF exposure. Below is a link to a letter for FortisBC CEO Mark Warren & BC Hydro on the smart meter program. Damage can be measured by the second and the entire science used for the safety of wireless is a plastic head.

What do all countries and academia globally have in common when it comes to discussing temperature? We calculate or measure critical temperature, it could not be seen until it was "red" hot. Temperature can now be seen using non invasive radiology and my 45 year background is unparalleled. The Department of Fisheries and Oceans used our pilot study as their standard on the aerial detection of groundwater. 

I initiated the evacuation of Kettle Valley(15,000) August 21, 2003 when the fire interfaced with Kelowna. August 22, another 15,000 were evacuated from Gyro Beach. I presented for the Filmon Fire Inquiry showing them temperature can be seen and we had unobstructed sight through the smoke while they fought the fires blind. Sharon Shepherd sat behind me and congratulated me on my presentation followed by an invite to city hall.

A local Reporter named Marshall Jones contacted me and told me I was edited out of the fire inquiry. I did not even present as a matter of record. I called Premier Gordon Campbell's Office  and asked how I was edited out of the fire inquiry. The Deputy Minister speaking on the issue told me Campbell was sitting in and could hear me. The excuse was the audio came unplugged when I presented so a decision was made to delete me entirely. There are additional videos at and thermal gradients in front of a fire can be seen. Cause of man made climate change can be seen dropping millions of watts off the grid immediately.

With injury or infection there is an inflammatory response that can now be seen using non invasive radiology and lectured for medical education credits required for ongoing medical licensing. Cancer can be seen giving doctors sight they never had before.

Looking forward to answer any questions or challenges.


Former Professor Curtis Bennett

Former Chief, International Science Advisory Board for IHF(14,301 members) 
Former Adjunct Professor for Accredited Medical Education For CME Credits 
Thermal Radiation Consultant for 45 Years 
Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal)
Building Construction Engineering Technologist
Ph: 250-860-5707 ext 333

Copyright © 2024 Thermoguy. All rights reserved.

Former Professor Curtis Bennett


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