Curtis Bennett email forwarded to Dianne Knight of StayOnTheTruth
Monday, July 15, 2024 at 3:26 PM Pacific Daylight Saving Time
From: Curtis Bennett
To: <>
I am a registered intervener in FortisBC's Application to the British Columbia Utilities Commission(BCUC) for wireless smart meters. I have legal standing in utility court and am accountable in my qualified capacities. I am an Interprovincial Red Seal Journeyman Electrician and harnessing the electron is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. I am a Building Construction Engineering Technologist(BCET) which is construction from contracts to completion at N.A.I.T. My fellow graduates work for a variety of construction companies in a variety of positions.
My background utilizing portable infrared started in 1979 while working as an electrician. The company I worked for was the first in Western Canada. We had to fill the camera with Liquid Nitrogen for a temperature reference to Absolute Zero(-273 Deg C or -496 Deg F).
Thermal Radiation is the natural frequencies and vibrations of ALL MATTER above Absolute Zero. My background as a Thermal Radiation Consultant is 45 years of
the most advanced imaging applications in the world. Cancer can now be seen using non invasive radiology. With injury or infection there is an inflammatory response that can be seen and isolated. Seeing fires through smoke is a simple application, I initiated the evacuation of 30,000 August 21&22, 2003 when a forest fire interfaced with Kelowna BC. Due to an edited Fire Inquiry by Premier Gordon Campbell's Office, the whole world was denied advancements in fire fighting. Seeing through smoke and seeing thermal gradients in front of the fire gives direction to Firefighters as well as from the air. In 2003, I took a call from a reporter asking if they could use the images taken of an interface forest fire. I told them not to edit me. video shows
very basic imaging related to forest fires. Mountain Forest Fire Growth August 1
Urban Heat Islands are Urban Heat Generators In October
I can't apologize enough that governing bodies did not address this with IEEE; current would not be induced, it kills. IEEE HAS to be involved and lead from the front. Any questions or challenges to what I have written about need to step up IMMEDIATELY. Damage by these electromagnetic fields can be measured by the second.
I was shocked to hear about the frequencies of biology. The human heart beat is 7.83 Hz. Atmospheric frequency is 7.83 Hz. That is electrical compatibility. FortisBC smart meter frequency is 2.45,000,000,000 Hz(2.45 GHz). Needless to say we are not electrically compatible. EMFs for wireless 2.45 billion Hz. The emfs going through buildings and fire separations(drywall) will vibrate the building 4.9,000,000,000 times per second. The emfs oscillating 180 degrees will damage buildings, fire separations, structures and heating the atmosphere. I have been seeing temperature for 45 years and trouble shooting for industries across the world.
Electricians need to see this and be involved. I would look forward to speaking with IEEE at your earliest convenience, damage can be measured by the second.
Former Chief, International Science Advisory Board for IHF(14,301 members)
Former Adjunct Professor for Accredited Medical Education For CME Credits
Thermal Radiation Consultant for 45 Years
Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal)
Building Construction Engineering Technologist
Ph: 250-860-5707 ext 333
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