PRESS RELEASE: International Scientists,
Led by Karolinska Institute’s Olle Johansson, PhD,
Recommend Global Governments Adopt New Wireless EMF Exposure Guidelines
02.02.2011 by emily Category Electromagnetic Health Blog
Scientists Recommend Global Governments Adopt New Exposure Guidelines
for Electromagnetic Radiation—Pointing to Biological Hazards and Risks
to the Genetic Code from Unchecked Proliferation of Wireless
BOULDER, Colo. Feb. 3, 2011. The scientific journal Reviews on Environmental Health
has published a report by international scientists calling for greatly
reduced exposure limits for electromagnetic radiation from power line
and telecommunications technologies, including cell phones and wireless
statement, called The Seletun Scientific Statement, was written based
on a large and growing body of science showing biological effects.
Scientists say governments should take decisive action now to protect
biological function as well as the health of future generations.

VIDEO Announcement of Olle Johansson, Ph.D.,
Chairman of The Seletun Scientific Panel, Karolinska Institute, Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute Press Release, Stockholm, Sweden:
Urge Halt of Wireless Rollout and Call for New Safety Standards:
Warning Issued on Risks to Children and Pregnant Women”
“The Seletun Scientific Statement” ABSTRACT in Reviews on Environmental Health.
(Journalists wanting to read the full published paper, please contact Dr. Johansson at or +46-(0)8-52487073)
The Seletun Scientific Panel today announces a Consensus Agreement including “10 Key Recommendations to Protect Public Health.” They say the global population is at risk, that the current accepted measure of radiation risk, the SAR, is inadequate, and that there is abundant evidence biological effects are occurring at exposures ‘many orders of magnitude’ below existing public safety standards.
1. The Global Population Is At Risk.
2. Sensitive Populations Are Currently Vulnerable.
3. Government Actions Are Warranted Now Based on Evidence of Serious Disruption to Biological Systems.
4. The Burden of Proof for the Safety of Radiation-Emitting Technologies Should Fall on Producers and Providers Not Consumers.
5. EMF Exposures Should Be Reduced in Advance of Complete Understanding of Mechanisms of Action.
6. The Current Accepted Measure of Radiation Risk—the Specific Absorption Rate (‘SAR’)—Is Inadequate, and Misguides on Safety and Risk.
7. An International Disease Registry Is Needed To Track Time Trends of Illnesses to Correlate Illnesses with Exposures.
8. Pre-Market Health Testing and Safety Demonstration is Needed for All Radiation-Emitting Technologies.
9. Parity is Needed for Occupational Exposure Standards
10. ‘Functional Impairment’ Designation Needed for Persons with Electrohypersensitivity.
Olle Johansson, PhD, who chaired the Seletun Scientific Panel, says
“Current US and ICNIRP standards for radiofrequency and microwave radiation from wireless technologies are entirely inadequate. They never were intended to address the kind of exposures from wireless devices that now affect over 4 billion people.”
Elihu Richter, M.D., M.P.H., Associate Professor (Retired), Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Hebrew University, Hadassah School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel, says,
“We are already seeing increases in health problems such as cancer and neurobehavioural impairments, even though these wireless technologies are fairly new in the last decades or so for the general public. This finding suggests that the exposures are already too high to protect people from health harm.”
Public health advocate, Camilla Rees of, says,
“Each time there is a briefing or hearing in a government body around the world, lip service is paid to the concerns of scientists, professors, physicians and citizens. Through their inaction, global governments have supported the interests of the telecommunications industry. We hope the Seletun Scientific Statement will finally get the attention this very serious public health issue deserves.”
Read Full Announcement With Photos and Transcript of Video
Journalists wanting to read the full published paper, please contact Dr. Johansson at or +46-(0)8-52487073.
Camilla Rees, 415-992-5093
Emily Roberson, 610-707-1602
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