5th Anniversary of Reporting of Critical Error
or Omission in Health Canada's Safety Code 6
on Wi Fi or RF on Monday, September 14, 2015

'As the world's foremost authority in infrared imaging applications, our medical team has reached the plateau of lecturing accredited medical education. Giving medical professionals sight of inflammation, difficult diagnosis and the early detection of breast cancer using non invasive radiology can't be overstated. Dr. Ronald Lynch's and the Integrative Health Forum's years of progressive work in these areas, environmental toxicities as well as Diabetic Neuropathy, will save the State of Florida and beyond billions of dollars in health costs. Accelerating wound healing, saving feet from amputation, increasing circulation, reducing inflammation and teaching a Thermography Practicum where otherwise medicine is blind is Nobel Prize worthy. So called Non Thermal effects of EMF exposure can be seen.'
~ Adjunct Professor Curtis Bennett

Curtis Bennett Interview by Stay On The Truth
September 14, 2015
Here is the audio recording. It's 2 hours and 27 minutes and 100.8 MB:
Note: This video version is the same as the audio recording,
with 2 images near the beginning and then a black screen.
(2:26:28 min)
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Curtis Bennett Interview by Stay On The Truth
September 14, 2015
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Curtis Bennett Interview by Stay On The Truth September 14, 2015Health Minister on Wi-FiRe: Urgent Information on Wi...
Posted by Dianne Knight on Thursday, 10 September 2015
Luke 6:31King James Version
31 And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise. pic.twitter.com/EwGEXwlOkK
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) October 26, 2014
5 Anniver Error or Omission Health Canada Safety Code 6 Wi Fi or RF. Adj Prof Curtis Bennett http://t.co/EUr260dkK9 pic.twitter.com/TqtKzK0TfN
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) September 12, 2015
http://t.co/qpCqKGQhkF September 14, 2015 five years after causation linking RF EMF to adverse health effects was reported to Health Canada
— Curtis Bennett (@RealThermoguy) September 14, 2015

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